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US Immigration from Japan

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RFE vs FE? Uploading RFE paper?
1:31 am August 2, 2022



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Hi, I received some notes on the CEAC website claiming that I need to upload my 1099's from 2021 and change a part on a signature. It says that these are "case FE"s, and do not indicate whether it is an RFE. It seems like I need to upload an official RFE document after fixing my mistakes, but I never received any document. What should I do?

Thanks for any help.

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"Application Error"
12:45 am July 31, 2022



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I received an RFE and I've been trying to fix it, but every time I go on the CEAC website to upload my files, it logs me out immediately with the prompt "Application Error" listed. Seeing as the phone number has been deactivated, I am not sure how to fix this. I have already sent an inquiry but I do not want to have to wait an additional few weeks or months on top of the already lengthy review time. Anybody know how to contact some sort of technical support to fix this?

Thanks for any help or pointers, I would really appreciate it.

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Medical Insurance and Pregnancy
12:00 am July 27, 2022



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Hi all lovely visa journey members! I have loved reading your widens stories while I am waiting for my K1 visa to be with my fianc from the US.
We are thinking about starting a family but unsure if we should begin that now in my home country or when we arrive in the US.

my concern is, he has been working outside the US and will be working outside the US until we get the K1 visa.
If we get pregnant here we have free medical and full support. Babies are expensive but the entire process up to and including the birth would be free.
As my age is a factor and also the K1 visa process seems to be taking FOREVER we would be wanting to start trying as soon as we arrive in the US but are worried about being covered medically. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with starting a family in the US and how long we would need to wait before cover would kick in?

Thank you all in advance

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4:05 pm July 18, 2022


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9 Replies

Greetings All,

Sharing some information with everyone at the same time have a question if anyone was in the similar situation as I am in. So my spouse has got the green light to receive her EAD within 10 days from her notification. The process took about 6 1/2 months all together for those wondering (in VA).

With the good news, as I have seen most here, she did NOT check the box to request the SSN card once the EAD passed. The not checking part on the initial form I won t get into, but regardless, our approach now obviously is to file with the SSA office and get it that way once the EAD arrives.

With all that said, has anyone did it the same way and is there any different process you would apply in this situation other than going to the office like the DMV and applying?

I am assuming an EAD, her previous form applied and her ID should be good enough to apply.

Thanks in advance!

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Filing using a copy of an I-130 or I-29F
5:32 am June 24, 2022



Read 540 Times
7 Replies

Hello everyone! This is sort of a mixed question so I placed it where it would most likely be seen. If this isn't the correct spot, I apologize.

I filed an I-130 online for my wife a couple of months ago. We decided we would take the leap for the sake of science and try out the I-29F trick.

The issue is, we live in Japan.

It would be no issue at all to get my parents back home in the US to print out everything I give them, assemble the packet and send it off. This would of course avoid the headache and potential nightmare of shipping all the way from Japan.

My issue is with two parts of the package. First, the actual I-29F. Has anyone ever sent in a physical photo-copy and had any issues. The only real problem I imagine would be the signature at the end of the form.

Second, the passport style photos. This is where I think my plan falls flat.

Has anyone used copies of these documents in either an I-130 or I-29F and gotten through?

Of course, the safe answer would be to just send my packet all the way across the sea (which I more than likely will), but that doesn't stop my curiosity for this process.

Thanks and take care!

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