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US Immigration from Japan

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bipolar and medical evaluation
3:11 am December 3, 2022



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My wife just started seeing a Dr. for some depression after the birth of our kid. The Dr. said she might be bipolar. She just started seeing the Dr. so they cant officially diagnose her yet.

I want to know what I need to keep track of now, so I don't miss anything.

What documents and paperwork will I need?

Anything I need to be careful about for the medical exam?

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Forgot an address on DS-260 oops...
3:54 am November 22, 2022



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7 Replies

Hello all!

I'm in the process of organizing all of my documents for NVC (waiting on Japanese police cert to hit submit).

As I was reviewing our package, I realized that we forgot to mention an address that my wife (beneficiary) had while she studied abroad in Australia (homestay). She maintained her address in Japan the whole time. This is the only address she's ever had outside of her home country (Japan) .

Luckily, she only stayed there for 5 months and 20 days so no police report is needed.

What's the best course of action?

Wait for DQ and contact the consulate?

Tell them at the interview?

Contact the NVC ASAP?

I know many ds260 mistakes can be fixed during the interview, but I just want to be sure that spending time in another country 8 years ago isn't one of the "big" mistakes that can't be fixed!

Thanks for any advice!

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I sent a letter to withdraw my petition. Did I do it correctly?
9:42 pm November 21, 2022



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Hello everyone!

I am completely new to this. I tried reading many forums as I could in regards to this subject, but noticed it's not the most talked about subject on here. When trying to look on USCIS' website, I felt I couldn't enough information as to how to write the letter or even a specific mailing address to send to withdraw my application.

The thing is my fianc and I plan to simply get married in Japan and skip the long processing times so that I can petition for a spouse visa instead. We thought it would be better dealing with it together rather than dealing with long distance :)

But now I'm concerned if it would affect him in any way since I previously petitioned for a K1 visa?

And I'm not sure if I even sent it the correct address?? Which is also frustrating us :(

I had

P.O BOX 30111

Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-0111

as the address on the Notice of Action I last received by mail. Would this have been correct?

It's been 2 weeks since I sent it (priority mail, usps) and our case on the website is still the same. Should I be worried?

Any help will be greatly appreciated! :)

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Police Report Upload and CEAC Help
11:54 am November 20, 2022



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Hello Japan friends!

I'm hoping to get a little information on what you all did in regards to the police report upload portion of the Civil Documents through CEAC.
Obviously, I have to upload something or explain why I don't have one and will bring it to the interview sealed.

Some sources say wait until the US Consulate tells you to get one before the interview.
Some say get it during NVC and upload a scan of the sealed envelope with a note stating why it's sealed.
Some say just say NOT AVALIABLE and explain that it will be brought to the interview.
Some say they uploaded the sealed envelope and then were told that it wasn't necessary to upload via CEAC.

Considering it takes 2 weeks to get one, I'd like to not sit around and wait if there's no reason to!

This seems to be a uniquely Japanese problem so I'm hoping that we can pool a little bit of info here for myself and future applicants.

Take care and thanks in advance!

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Yet another I-864 thread. (Self-employed AND employed by a company)
9:22 am November 16, 2022



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15 Replies

Hello friends!

First, I'm sorry to clog the site with yet another 864 question. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps out. I'm working on my joint sponsor's 864 with him and just wanted to make sure I'm doing this in the most effective way possible. I had to use a joint sponsor as I live abroad and am paid in JPY.

Here's what we have prepared:

6 months of paystubs from normal job. (I figured this is best for 864 Part 6 Line 7 as his self-employed income isn't easily determined and he's well over the threshold with his normal job. I figure there's no need to over complicate I-864 line 7 with the burden of more proof and paperwork, but maybe I'm mistaken.)
3 years of IRS Transcripts
3 years of tax records. (Looks like he filled Schedule C,D, and SE as he is runs his own side gig, though not even close to his main source of income.) He makes around a $1000ish profit (as per Schedule D line 31) from the side gig and the remaining 50-ish thousand from his actual job.

He's been employed at the real job for the past year, though his past 3 years of filing have still been well beyond the threshold. He's also younger so I figured that showing the last 3 years of transcripts wouldn't hurt.
He is single and files accordingly. I think the whole self employed bit is causing me to overthink.

Just to make sure I've got this right:

I know that some folks have gotten RFEs for not including tax records (1040,W-2,etc etc.) along-side transcripts. I also know that folks have gotten RFEs for mismatched income numbers.
I'm trying to strike a balance of providing enough info, as well as not providing so much that I could make a mistake.

Here are the numbers that match:

IRS Transcript TOTAL INCOME: 56,039
1040 Line 9: 56,039


IRS Transcript page 1, WAGES, SALARIES, TIPS, ETC: 54,750
1040 Line 1: 54,750

I've seen 1040 line 11 thrown around on the site and his says 55,956, but I can't see where that number would have come from on the IRS Transcript. I'm not sure I should even need to look that carefully.

So finally my questions.

1. Part 6. Number 2. Should I include the self employment even though he is over the threshold with his normal job or is it better to just let it be? Would I need to provide proof of that self employment in addition to the 1040, schedules, etc?

2. Part 6, 24a,24b,24c. Which number should I be inserting if he is BOTH employed at a company and self employed (albeit hardly)

3. Is it safe to just use paystubs for his current job to calculate CURRENT income and ignore the side-gig as it doesn't disqualify him from being a sponsor.

Sorry for the super lengthy post. I tried to be as detailed as possible.
Thanks in advance!

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