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US Immigration from Japan

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Question (I-130): Is an Uber driver an acceptable occupation?
5:02 am March 17, 2023



Read 2325 Times
2 Replies

Hi everyone! I m new here and learning the ropes. When filling out the I-130, I m stuck on figuring out if submitting my current employment as self employed at Uber technologies is acceptable enough if I m making more than the income requirements as stated in the guides forum? Also, do I have to provide proof of my new job in the future during this whole process?

I m recently married March of 2023 to my wonderful wife in Japan. I completed my military career mid last year, looking for a job in software engineering and now just been driving Uber and making it work out. No luck out here yet but I m still looking for a job that beats the income of driving Uber out here in Hawaii. I also have a business on the side that is starting out but not a lot of revenue coming in yet. Driving Uber along with my business and non-taxable income through the VA, I m making 2 to 3 times the minimum income requirement. I don t think there is a problem with income but I m also not sure if this is an acceptable occupation in USCIS s eyes as it s not a stable job .

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I-864 evidence for retired income (merged)
8:27 am January 16, 2023



Read 1847 Times
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My father is going to be a joint sponsor on the I-864.

He is semi retired, receives a military pension, and will be filling an I-864. His wife retired in 2022, and will be filling an I-864a.

What forms would they submit as evidence along with their tax transcripts for their pension and social security?

I did a quick google search and want to make sure I have the correct forms.

My father would submit: tax transcript, W-2 and 1099-R

His wife would submit: W-2 (for the part of the year she did work), and a SSA-1099 if she received any SSA

Are these the correct forms, or are there any others they would need to submit?

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11:53 pm January 6, 2023



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3 Replies


I submitted AOS documents on December 2022.

The documents I submit.





and I got a mail that says "REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE (FORM I-485)" the other day.

It says:

"Why We Are Writing You On December 8, 2022, you submitted your Form I-485.

We are writing to inform you that we need more information from you to make a decision on your case. Please read this letter carefully and follow all of the instructions below"

My husband and I checked his salary is above the poverty income line.

He submit these two documents as well.

Copy of Petitioner/Sponsor s 2021 Federal Income Tax Return

Copy of Employment Payslip from ( his workplace )

But USCIS wants more information...

What should we submit about I-485...?

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Explanations with evidence needed?
10:50 pm December 24, 2022



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5 Replies

Hey all,

I'm nearly done with our application packet for ROC. I have a couple questions would appreciate any help you can provide as we try to finalize everything.

Should I attach sticky notes to documents that do not clearly convey joint ownership or activities?

We have joint bank accounts that do not show both names on one page. Rather, in small print on the second page of each statement, it says "Joint owner with [Spouse's Name]". Our life insurance policies do not clearly display the beneficiary on the first page, you have to dig through to the middle pages of the policy to see it. I'm considering adding sticky notes along the lines of "Please refer to page 3 of 7 for evidence of joint ownership." I wondered if the person who scans in the documents at the lockbox facility might just rip off the sticky notes and perhaps the person examining them later will not see them.

Will it look strange if we include only the returning or departing boarding passes for some trips? We did not save them all.

We have two vacations that we managed to save the full boarding passes for (returning and departing), but there are several other trips where we do not have all flight legs. Most likely they were just electronic boarding passes on our phones that we did not get printed versions for.

I figured it would help to just include as many as we have, as surely proof of taking any flight together is good evidence. Do I need to attach an explanation stating that we misplaced the boarding passes for a portion of a trip, or is better not to include that trip at all? For example, we went on a trip to Hawaii. I could only find the two boarding passes from when we returned, not when we departed.

Thank you!

Edited: Formatting.

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ROC Evidence Review
6:10 pm December 16, 2022



Read 1553 Times
28 Replies

All - apologies for two separate posts in a day. We're planning to submit the following evidence for ROC soon. I'd very much appreciate any thoughts or advice you all have about whether this should be sufficient.

1. Several months of joint bank statements showing direct deposit from both of our jobs.

2. Statements from several other bank accounts (savings accounts, etc) in which we are joint holder.

3. Copy of term life insurance policies for each of us, showing the other as the beneficiary of the policy.

4. IRS tax transcript for joint returns for 2019, 2020, 2021.

5. Copies of two signed lease agreements which have both of our signatures.

6. Copies of boarding passes from several flights we took together, seated together.

7. Copies of health, dental, and vision policies (or insurance ID cards) showing us both on them.

8. Copies of forms indicating we are each other's beneficiaries for accounts such as 401k, IRA, HSA, etc.

9. Proof that we are part of the same cellular family-plan (along with my parents and sibling).

10. Proof that my spouse is an authorized user of one of my credit cards.

11. Copy of dental bills showing us going to appointments at the same dentist.

I honestly didn't plan to submit photos (or maybe a couple) as I heard they don't really give any weight to those. That said, we could include a few next to the area we show the boarding passes for trips we went on, or a couple showing the two of us with each other's respective families.

Should the above be more than enough or is there anything else I should think about? Thank you very much!

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