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US Immigration from Iraq

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NVC Tax Transcripts
10:00 pm April 7, 2020

Azad Ismail


Read 633 Times
5 Replies

I am a US citizen who has been living abroad. I got married in October of 2017 and I am currently working on my spouses IR1 visa. I don t have any tax transcripts to be included with my i864, as my wife doesn't have a social security number or an ITIN number. I am aware that my wife can obtain an ITIN number, but I looked at how much gross income I made during previous fiscal years whilst married and it didn t exceed the minimum filing threshold to file jointly, so I didn t apply for one. Would my joint sponsors i864 and his/her tax transcripts alone suffice if it exceeds the minimum requirements?

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i864 Questions
9:44 pm April 6, 2020

Azad Ismail


Read 701 Times
6 Replies

Hey guys, i have a few questions in reference to the i864 requirements for the IR1 visa, im the petitioner and im petitioning for my spouse.


1. If I submit a tax return transcript does a w2 form need to be included or is that only necessary if you submit a complete tax return?

2. Do I have to submit my last 3 years tax return transcripts or only my most recent? I have been unemployed for over a year and half.

3. How much does a Co-sponsor have to make in order to sponsor an immigrant?

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NVC (merged)
5:09 am April 5, 2020

Azad Ismail


Read 1892 Times
24 Replies

I am in the process of trying to obtain an IR1 visa for my wife. I am currently in the NVC stage of the process. I have two questions with regards to this phase.
1. My wife does not fully comprehend English; may I assist her with filling the DS260?
2. I believe the NVC requests the petitioner s last 3 years tax returns (w 2 s, 1099 s and schedules). They also request petitioner s proof of employment. I am currently living abroad with my wife and have been for the past 4 years. I was working for a local company up until last year and I am currently unemployed. I do not have any tax returns. What should I do?

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