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US Immigration from Iran

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How long to stay after interview?
6:28 pm November 16, 2022

Will Schu

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12 Replies

I'm sure this is a simple topic, but I keep getting confused.

How long do we stay in the country after our interview?

We chose Yerevan because my fiancee is Iranian.

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DS-160 appointment question
8:07 pm November 8, 2022

Will Schu

Read 718 Times
9 Replies

We filled out the DS-160, printed and saved the confirmation page and entire application, and now at the MRV fee page where it says there are no appointments available.

Do we randomly check back and pray for an appointment date, or is there something I'm missing?

The welcome letter has outdated links and information, and the embassy website isn't much help at all.

I'm unable to find this answer in the flowchart.

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After arriva in US
4:00 pm October 30, 2022


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6 Replies


Finally our green card is approved and we are in Us. Is there anything we need to do at state level (California) to get the marriage recognized or do we need to get a local marriage cert too? Or is the green card enough? Not sure what the process and things to do after arrival..

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K1-FTP what to do? (merged)
6:21 pm October 25, 2022

Will Schu

Read 1183 Times
9 Replies


We just received a K1-FTP a few minutes ago and are confused on what we should do next.

It lists a case number and that the approved petition was sent to the US Embassy we chose.

Do we wait for something else, or do we do the DS-160?

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Iran Protests, Humanitarian Reasons and Expedite
12:43 am October 4, 2022


Read 1060 Times
12 Replies

Before someone jumps in and goes on the Prawl, let me just say I GET IT.

I get that everyone has to wait their turn when it comes to immigration,

I get that IT SUCKS for everybody and that USCIS denies expedites regularly for reasons that aren't seen as not serious enough.

and I get that no one likes somebody being impatient

So let me just say thats NOT why im asking this question and I GET IT.


It sucks for all of us, and thats not why I'm here and I know we can only hope for the backlog cases to go down in the near future. But here is where my lack of understanding is


My main concern in posting this is I (as long as many others) have little to NO understanding for what qualifies as a Humanitarian Crisis.

And it seems as if the people on the other end of the USCIS help line dont seem too either.

And although one perfect example right now would be the Ukraine situation (rest in peace to everyone that has passed while awaiting their immigration cases), does anyone know if the Iranian Protests right now with regards to Mahsa Amini, and the government essentially:

-Shutting the whole country down,

-Closing internet access indefinitely

-Killing, Detaining, and Arresting whoever they dont see fit in jail

Be a serious enough undertaking?

And before someone thinks I am exaggerating or trying to cheat the system: No

I get it, we all have our issues and we all hate waiting

And this is something my fianc and I are trying to figure out without sympathy so if this doesn't apply, fine we will move on without question, and do our casual meetups overseas.


---------->IF NOT<---------

1) What other examples of a Humanitarian Crisis besides a WAR, be so that I may know of and not waste USCIS' time and resources (and so that others may see this post and be informed)

2) Would an Atheist living in a country that KILLS Atheists be considered.

3) (If applicable) What have you heard/what is your experience.

Please only comment if you are open to having a discourse.

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