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US Immigration from Guyana

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"You should receive a notice of action* soon"
9:16 pm January 31, 2023



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8 Replies

Good afternoon!

I recently submitted an expedite request. Within an hour I received an e-mail confirming that I requested expedite and stating that "Your case is currently being adjudicated. You should receive a notice of action* soon." Has anyone else ever received this message? If so, how long after did you get a decision?


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“Additional evidence you may want to provide” under 5 year rule
7:19 pm January 31, 2023


Read 821 Times
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I searched Google and the VJ forum but everything recent is about the 3 year rule for N-400 Additional evidence you may want to provide section. My wife and I have been married for 7 years in two weeks and she is now applying for her citizenship. We are doing it under the 5 year rule as it seems less is required and it was suggested to do so on a recent post in a different thread.

The question is: what, if any, evidence should be put in this section with the 5 year rule in mind?

Our two kids birth certificates are already uploaded, marriage certificate is uploaded, all other required documents. Is there anything else that may assist her with good standing or expedition or anything? Example: I served in the army for the last 10 years. Does my honorable discharge paperwork look good for her application? Proof of her working and going to school to show she is a productive member of society? Or am I overthinking this and there is nothing else really needed since it is not the 3 year rule?


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Emma says my case is "in process"
9:37 pm December 5, 2022



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Good afternoon,

I chatted online with Emma today and asked if our case had been assigned to an agent. She said that the status was "in process" and that meant an agent was reviewing the file. Does this have any significance? Is it a good sign that an agent has been assigned? My tracker still says 7 months. We are at the California Service Center. I am SOO anxious about this process. Thanks!

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Filing I-130 Tomorrow: Questions
6:01 pm September 28, 2022



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Good afternoon!

I am a US citizen and my spouse is Guyanese living in Antigua. We were married last week and are filing the I-130 online tomorrow. I am SUPER anxious and have so many questions. I appreciate any answers or advice you all have to offer. This is a first for both of us and we are stressed!

1. Is the I-130A filed concurrently with the I-130 when we file tomorrow? If so, is it uploaded as a PDF and filed as evidence?

2. How are the required passport photos submitted?

3. We are currently living apart as he doesn't have a visitor visa. Is there any benefit to filing for the K3?

4. Any other advice that you have to offer on this process!

Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out! Good luck to you all and speedy processing!

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Answered incorrectly in Ds-260 form. Is your spouse immigrating to the U.S.with you?
4:24 am June 7, 2022


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So I just realized after looking through all my documents that in the Ds-260 doc i submitted, I incorrectly answered yes to the question "Is your spouse immigrating to the U.S.with you?" as well as the same thing for the question about the child. Me and my child are U.S citizens so we are not immigrating but only traveling but for some reason when doing it the first time I didn't realize that didn't mean traveling at the same time. Is NVC going to make me fix this with an RFE or will it just be ignored? Thanks.

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