I filed N-400 about a month ago (under 319 b)
My last and only biometrics appointment was for my Reentry permit in June of 2023.
I was expecting for my biometrics to be reused but also prepared to fly to the states for a biometrics appointment.
(Last time I got my appointment a week after filing)
Now I am reading everyone s experience and it seems like every single person I see gets either biometrics reuse notice or a biometrics appointment within the first few days.
For me it s been a month and the case is just stuck on Receipt notice sent
Receipt notice just says I will be getting a biometrics appointment letter.
As I am not in the states and all my mail is sent to my mil s house I am starting to worry that a letter was sent and it s been overlooked or went missing in the mail.
Has anyone had a similar experience?
Do you think I ll get my appointment letter in the mail or online also?
Last time it only came in the mail with less than a week notice and I had to drop everything and book a flight to make it there on time.
I wish there was a way to contact USCIS to make sure a letter wasn t sent that never made it to me.
thanks for any input in advance