Dear all,
we had our interview for my children in Frankfurt. Unfortunately, their biological Dad has moved from "yes, I support the Immigration process" to "No" and back to "Yes" and then "No". We ended up asking the court to make a decision. The court's decision came back on Monday and allows us to continue with the Immigration. I immediately forwarded the decision to the US Consulate in Frankfurt and the translation by a court accredited translator the day after.
I saw the cases received an update on the time but it is still on "Ready" and not "Issued",
As the interview was end of October and we needed until Monday to turn in the requested document, I am aware that this may sound I am pushing too much. My husband retires and we planned to travel next week. Is there any chance, that the Consulate will soon work on the cases?
I guess I am also wondering how long does the consulate need in general when working on requested documents after an interview?
Anxious is an understatement.