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US Immigration from Germany

Showing Germany Topics from Forum:

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refused entry for not being employed? (split topic)
9:48 am March 30, 2020



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If i am flying overseas to visit my husband for a few weeks - because i am unemployed by the 15th next month, but will be re-employed as soon as things are going up again within a few weeks - and i have an ESTA.

will i be denied, because the US has now an extended 30 days til the end of april?
we're still waiting for our online i- 130 petition to be approved and no idea to which uscis it went to.

but i have a copy of our marriage certificate and will additionally bring a document in which my boss is stating to reemploy me.

Germany is in Quarantine for 10 days now and i have no symptoms at all.

sorry for all the infos,

thank you

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finding online petition (split topic)
10:52 pm March 29, 2020



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How can i find out, where our Online Petition for CR1 is?
My Husband is in Washington State right now and i am from Germany and currently still there!

is our Visa still being processed in a time like this?

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How long until you received NOA2?
3:45 pm March 29, 2020



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Hi everyone!

im relatively new here :)

has anybody else sent their I-130 Petition during this crisis? If yes, have you already received the NO1? My husband and I have recently sent it and now are waiting for our NOA1.



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Wie lange hat es bei euch gedauert bis ihr die NOA2 bekommen habt?
3:13 pm March 29, 2020



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Hi ihr lieben!

Nun, ich bin relativ neu hier in diesem Forum, welches sehr informativ ist.

wir haben bereits unsere Petition abgeschickt und warten momentan auf unsere NOA1, welche hoffentlich n chste oder bern chste Woche ankommen sollte

Danach k me ja die NOA2. Wie lange hat die bei euch gebraucht? Kann mir vorstellen, dass durch die Corona Krise die Dinge eventuell l nger dauern, was ich nat rlich nicht hoffe ...


Liebe Gr e, Bino.

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Sponsor recommended?
8:02 pm March 24, 2020



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Hi all,

After some research my fianc and I decided on a CR-1 over the Fianc visa for many reasons. She s a German national and I am a dual citizen (USA/Germany). I m 22 and she is 21. We will be getting married in May in Germany with a civil wedding in order to file the application.

My question is even though I make $29,000, and 125% of the poverty line is $21,137, should I have my parents file as a sponsor just in case with their >$300,000 income? We don t want to be denied for being too close to the line, if that s even an issue.

Also, what have you found to be the best evidence of a Bona Fide Marriage to include for a newly wed couple?

Thank you all for you help!

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