found this interesting read while doing some digging :-
9 FAM 502.7-3(C)(4) K Visa Interview
(CT:VISA-579; 04-27-2018)
a. The Alien is to be Invited for an Interview When:
(1) The alien has reported that all of the necessary documents have been collected; and
(2) The medical examination has been completed and the report is or will be available before the interview.
b. You must direct the interview to determine eligibility as if the alien were applying for an immigrant visa in the immediate relative category. You must also:
(1) Inform the K-1 or K-3 visa applicant of any protection orders or criminal background information regarding the petitioner that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has reported with an approved K petition. After informing the applicant, give the applicant time to decide whether he or she wishes to proceed with the K visa application, and, in the case of an applicant for a K-1 visa, whether he or she still intends to marry the petitioner within 90 days of entering the United States. Enter appropriate case notes into the IVO system to indicate that the applicant received notice of the petitioner's criminal background information (see 9 FAM 502.7-3(D)(1) for more specifics);
(2) Inform the K-1 or K-3 visa applicant of any previously approved Form I-129F petitions filed by the petitioner. You will find this information on the approved Form I-129F as USCIS annotates approved Form I-129F petitions to indicate multiple filings. (Note: Under IMBRA, if a U.S. citizen already has had two fianc (e) or spousal petitions approved less than ten years prior to the filing of a subsequent petition, the K-1 or K-3 applicant who is the beneficiary of the subsequent petition is to be notified. Absent an IMBRA waiver, USCIS may not approve a petition filed by an individual who (1) has filed two or more previous fianc (e) or spousal petitions; or (2) has had such a petition that was filed within the previous two years approved. USCIS indicates these waivers by noting "IMBRA waiver approved" in the approved petition's Remarks block. Aside from informing the beneficiary of the previous petitions, no additional steps are required of you.) Make appropriate case notes in IVO;
(3) Ask the applicant whether an international marriage broker (IMB) facilitated the relationship with the petitioner and if so, identify the IMB, and then ask if the IMB complied with the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 (IMBRA) by providing the applicant with the required disclosures and information (see 9 FAM 502.7-3(D)(1)) If the IMB did not provide the required disclosures and information, make case notes in IVO on the failure of the IMB to comply with IMBRA and provide that information to CA/VO/F/IE by email. Proceed with case processing; do not wait for clearance to proceed;
(4) Provide to each K-1 or K-3 visa applicant another copy of the USCIS pamphlet, "Information on the Legal Rights Available to Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in the United States and Facts about Immigrating on a Marriage-Based Visa," which they already should have received when the instruction packet was first mailed to them (see 9 FAM 502.7-3(C)(2) paragraph d(3)), in English or another appropriate language;
(5) Orally review with the applicant, in his or her primary language, if feasible, or otherwise in either the language spoken in the country of application or English, the synopsis of the points contained in the pamphlet (found at 9 FAM 502.7-3(E));
(6) Add case notes in IVO that the pamphlet was received, read, and understood by the applicant; and
(7) In K-1 cases, obtain the applicant s oath and biometric signature within IVO. This certifies the applicant s legal capacity and intent to marry.