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US Immigration from Germany

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6:33 pm June 8, 2020

Sparkle Sparkle

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Gradually we getting there folks:


To address the threat to the nation posed by the novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), the President issued Proclamations 9984, 9992, 9993, and 9996, suspending the entry of all aliens who were physically present within the People s Republic of China (excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau), the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States. Each of the above proclamations includes an exception for any alien whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees.

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Nvc civil documents all accepted but one
2:16 pm June 6, 2020



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Does someone know, why nvc would accept every civil document I have sent but not my exchange visitor documentation (j1)?

its status is still submitted For about a week now.

i also got two emails saying I m DQ d and that they will schedule my interview on Monday

are they checking if I am under a 2 year residency requirement, which both in my ds forms and my passport visa says I m not ?

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When does my N400 window open?
11:11 pm June 5, 2020



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Hello people :)

I just finished my ROC process and was wondering when I can file for naturalization the earliest?

We've been married since February 2017 and I received my conditional Green Card in October 2017.

Thanks in advance.

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Pre-employment drug test
9:28 pm June 4, 2020


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How long does it take till the results of a drug test come back?

I did mine last friday and expected to hear back from my future employer by now for my start date. I'll wait till tomorrow to see if they reach out before I give them a call but wanted to see if somebody here can enlighten me about this topic.

Btw we are a drug free household so I'm not worried about any positive results

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When to file under 319(b)
8:06 pm June 4, 2020



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Hey guys,

so I spent several hours going through all these topics and I found some valuable information. However, I would still

like to ask as I do not want to make any mistakes.

I arrived in the US in November 2019 on CR-1, my 10 year green card came in the mail in February 2020.

My husband re-enlisted couple weeks ago and we already know we will be going back to Europe - to Germany.

He wont have his hard orders until some time next year but he got an email with report date in December 2021.

1. When should I apply for naturalization under 319(b)? Is it easier from the US or Germany?

2. Will my travels affect the naturalization process in any way? I am asking because my husband is going on a 9 month long rotation in couple of months and I am planning on going to

my home country for some months + travel some outside the US. Still not sure whether I should apply for re-entry permit or not but just wondering if they would look at my travels as

am not being serious about living here.


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