My husband is USC and im EUC in Germany.
he is currently seeking a job in the US because of being 'my sponsor' for my currently in proccess of CR1 visa.
We asked already his parents but they cant because of their own medical bills.
anyway i had a crazy idea over the past week and im again thinking about it because the embassy here in germany still might be closed for another 2 months.
Since he is a USC and im a European Citizen, born in Germany,
is it possible for him to come over even if he has no job at the moment?
Might it be possible that he obtains a permanent residence card here to get a job here? Because im thinking it might take longer than end of August when they reopen internationally.
Its positive for both of us because his mental health Isnt good and since noone can be there with him to support him And to go to therapy etc i thought it'll be helpful for him if he can come live with me for a bit it would also strengthen our relationship alot because we realized that seeing each other for two weeks isnt a cool thing where we could connect easily again.
So my questions
can he visit or even live here, even if unemployed USC?
will it effect our visa process if he has no current income in the US when closer to interview appointment at embassy?
what do you think and would you as well consider this move?
i also thought alot about pro's and cons and there might be more cons if he could move here and get a job for a while but thats nothing we cant figure out after all this.
please be honest but not too honest.
i understand if you say thats too dumb of an idea, but i just had to ask and see if it is possible. Cause this is our last idea of getting us together for a bit longer while we're separated because of the virus.
thank you
(move if in wrong thread)