Hi the community !
Yesterday was a great day i received the instructions email from US embassy in Bern (just switch from Paris to Bern Switzerland super smooothly).
I created an account on the Switzerland Visa demand website and added my informations, followed the instructions, once all my infos were in the system i was asked to pay the MRV fees ( I repeat on the Switzerland USA Visa demand website).
Two payments options Wire transfer or Cash deposit, i choose to pay with a wire transfer and used the USA Embassy bank informations provided by the website with my unique CGI number!
Once payment was done and documents were dated and signed i sent them back by email.
This morning i woke up and the Swiss Embassy is telling me that i paid the MRV fees in the USA Embassy in Paris ???????
How is that possible? The bank infos were in Switzerland, my bank is telling me that they send the money to an account in Zurich Switzerland and on top of that i send a proof of payment to the Embassy in Bern by email.
Nevertheless i paid in euros with my French bank and normally within couples days they received the amount in their own currency i guess?
Do you guys think that they have a unique bank in Europe that is receiving all the embassies payments in the area?
They pretty much telling me that they will ask Washington to get the fees move to Bern, but if not i will have to pay again..
Has anyone ever heard of such a situation?
My guess is that they havent got the money yet, and because in my proof of payment (in Euros) they assumed that it will go automatically to Paris because I have a French account.
It has been almost two f . Years that we started the k-1 process like a bunch of you guys an it s exhausting and frustrating
Thanks guys !