For my fiance and I to be eligible for the CR1/IR1 ... are there any pitfalls to avoid marrying outside the US?
I think I'd prefer to marry here because my children are here. However I'm worried that my fiance won't be allowed here on a travel visa right away because we were, up until now, following the K1 path. We haven't completely discarded the K1 path... as we're very much in the middle of it... but due to our recent epiphany regarding the requirements of financial proof and income, we're definitely weighing all of our options now.
Our situation is, up until now we have been invested in the K1 process. My fiance has his interview next Thursday. I didn't 'do my homework' and properly understand the requirements for the I-865 and the AOS process because we went step-by-step and only looked at the current process to get him here and get married. For that (the 100%) I meet the requirement.
Now we are considering if this is the best option for us or not. Do we go forward with the K1 process and ask a family member to joint-sponsor?
Or do we wait until I finish nursing school and make more money and then apply for either K1 OR
Do we get married now and then applly for the CR1?
Another factor and possibly one of the main factors for going forward in any form now (and before the finances are a moot point thanks to my projected nursing salary) is that his daughter will be 19 in April and likely 'age out' before then. Of course we want her to come as well. Of course the other factor is we are really tired of the back and forth and want to be under one roof asap!
If he's working, we'll be able to cover the difference of the 125%. As I understand it, with the CR1/IR1, he'd be able to come and work right away? And even we could apply for him and his daughter to come while waiting for the CR1 and he could work and she could work/go to school?
That's what I'm reading here: and I just wanted to understand if I'm seeing that correctly. I don't have to meet the 125% alone with this? He can work and his salary can be included?
Or would I still need a joint-sponsor to qualify for the CR1 but could he at least come while we wait for approval and the financial burden would be offset because he can come work immediately?
So the main question I have is... will he be able to COME to visit me if we stop the K1 process and marry me here? Or will immigration consider we are trying to cheat somehow? (Even if we've been together over 8 years now with a well documented relationship and getting married was always the plan.)
If it's the case... what else can we do? Will marriage in another country count against us in any way?
I did look into this and have this from AI:
What is required (for proof of marraige for CR1 Visa)
The original marriage certificate or a certified copy
Proof of legal termination of any previous marriages, such as a death certificate, divorce decree, or annulment
The full names of both spouses
The location of the marriage
What if I was married abroad?
Consular officers can authenticate foreign marriage documents
Marriages that are legally performed and valid abroad are generally also valid in the United States
I'd prefer to marry here, if possible.
Looking for any and all info/ help from the Visa Journey Gurus!