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Police clearance/ Criminal Record
11:19 am March 23, 2023



Read 2944 Times
20 Replies


I am writing this with a lot of anxiety and stress as my husband and I we are in NVC stage and I as the beneficiary I have a criminal record of minor theft, this was 7 years ago. I was a first offender and had clean record. This is the only offense committed and I had done restitution during my court hearing & attended all my hearings until the verdict was announced. I have not committed any other crime ever since then and have been clean. I was given a 5 years probation in 2017 and it has completed.

I will be going to get my police clearance done soon, i am not sure if it ll show on the clearance or not but I choose not to lie. What I would like to know is that if this will affect our NVC stage from being DQ d or approved. Your advice and feedback will truly calm my nerves down. Thank you in advance.

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Sign Petition to Amend Immigration Nationality Act that revokes approved petition and valid immigrant visas for surviving relatives when the main applicant passes away
8:06 pm April 22, 2020



Read 656 Times
1 Replies

Please help me and sign this petition that requesting WH to look into amending the Immigration Nationality Act that revokes valid immigrant visas and approved petitons after the main applicant passes away. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/amend-immigrantion-nationality-act-revokes-petition-surviving-relatives-when-main-applicant-passes-away

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