Hey guys, so since December I have been trying to get my wife added to our lease. Our lease was up in July, so our HOA management said that the landlord told them to tell me to wait until July when we resign our lease to add my wife. I wasn t ecstatic, but I accepted that. It s been ~a month of me calling my apartments HOA management off the hook and them stating that they re working on it . I m really fed up to be honest. I don t think they are going to add her before her medical expires.
My question to all of you wonderful people is, do we really need to provide the tenancy agreement with my wife s name on it in the AOS packet? I am aware that it helps, because the more you can prove the better, but we reaaaally need to get this sent off, it s been way too long for comfort. So, exactly how important is this? We have many pics of us, scans of wedding and birthday cards from her family, social media posts to each other and our families, our phone bill that shows her married name billed to our address, that s about it. (We live with my brother who pays the utility bills, would it be kosher to add her to those? I don t think 3 people can be added to the bill, and if not it would look weird if only he and her were on there. Also at this point, wouldn t it take a while to receive the bill with her name on it? We really want this package sent off ASAP).
But, we never got around to opening her a US bank account, or adding her to mine. COVID lockdown hit as soon as we were about to take care of that. Also, I m on Medi-Cal so I cannot add her to my insurance. And I don t file taxes, so no joint filing.
Does our case look weak? I m very worried. Should we wait for the landlord or just send it off without the tenancy agreement? Any further advice on how to strengthen our proof of relationship? Thanks a ton!