My soon to be ex husband was arrested for domestic abuse. He is being charged for 2nd degree assault, using a dangerous weapon and child reckless endangerment of two minors. He spent 3 months in jail and has been released on bail and is wearing a gps. Criminal trial has been getting delayed by defendant to buy more time and it has been rescheduled the summer. It also became apparent that he married for papers. He is from the Dominiacn Republic and apoears to have a Narcissist Personality Disorder. His temporary greencard expired not long ago. I have reported him to USCIS for marriage fraud and domestic abuse via the online marriage fraud report form. I want to send documents with proof that he has a pending criminal case, Child Protective Services has indicated him for child neglect and abuse, and all the physical and emotional abuse he put me and kids through.
I believe he filed or is filing to remove condions alone (joint is out of the question). We are not officially divorced but he recently filed for divorce a few weeks before his temp greencard expired. We have 1 child in common. We have lived apart for over a year since his arrest.
1. Where do I mail the proof of the abuse etc?
2. What are his chances of getting ROC removed/10 yr greencard approved?
3. Will he still get the citizenship through me if approved?
4. Will I still be responsible for AOS (financially supporting) if approved?
5. He doesn't have strong evidence of a bonafide marriage. Is our child alone a strong enough evidence to get approved?