My stepson has an interview scheduled for May 11 (IR-2 of USC). The DS-260 confirmation page only has his first name but not middle name under "provided name."
What I did erroneously was only put his first name in the "name provided" section on the visa application. However, I wrote his full name in "name in native language."
Every single document, including the interview letter, receipts, and even correspondence from the embassy for an updated police report lists his full name (first and middle). His name on his passport includes his first and middle.
We scheduled his biometric appointment (that includes his first and middle name with the confirmation number). He had his medicals done on Monday with no problems. He is worried that he will not be able to do his biometrics but all numbers correspond. The VAC appointment confirmation and numbers have his first and middle name as listed on his passport. (The only issue is the DS-260 has his first and last name under "provided name.")
The case is at the embassy and we know that we can make any necessary corrections with the consulate officer at the interview. We just want to make sure that he can get his biometrics done simply because it is nearly impossible to get an appointment with VAC at this stage. There is no way to manually input the middle name in the DS-260.
Hope this makes sense. I just want to make sure what we can do. This is minor and we hope it doesn't become anything major.
Thank you for your help.