Hello visajourney I'm a US citizen married December 2020 to a Dominican republic citizen.
Just wanted to ask some questions on the whole process, i never dealt with USCIS before.
1 - when starting the i130 online is the process straightforward? Or should I get a consultant to file the application. I'm guessing I can do it on my own.
2 - we're gathering all the documents now. at the moment we have.
- My birth certificate (long form)
- My passport
- Marriage Certificate (Acta Inextensa de Matrimonio)
- Her Birth certificate and parents
(Extractor de Acta de Nacimiento)
This is the short form. Will she need to get the long form?
- C dula
- 2x2 passport photo
- Evidence ( will make a pdf with different types of Evidence)
Are we missing something to start the process?
3 - which translation services is recommend for the marriage/birth certificate?
4 - when using a Joint sponsor will my income matter when is time to fill the i-864?
5- My wife doesn't have a DR passport, will she need to get one? Or will she receive one at the end of the whole process?
I think that's all for now.
Thanks for the help!