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US Immigration from Dominican Republic

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I-864 Help please
6:10 am May 13, 2020



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As I was filling out the I-864, I ran into a huge question.

Im the one who works in my household, but my wife is unemployed and I know that s ok. But we do the taxes every year as Married filing jointly . She s sponsoring her parents to come to the USA and now are to the point of the I-864 and I-864a for me since I m the one with the income.

Question is: On part 6, 24.a, where we put the tax year and amount, does she put $0.00, on her I-864, and do I put the actual amount on my I-864a since I m the one who works?

Also, on part 5, #7 it says If you have siblings, parents, or adult children with the same principal residence who are combining their income with yours by submitting Form I-864A, enter the number here , but no where does it mention Spouse . Since it s mentioned in part 5, #3, is that why it s ok to not put a 1 on #7?

Thank you so much to all who answer!


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Medical Exams, do we have to redo them?
10:04 pm May 12, 2020



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I was wondering if the medical exams that are done for K1 visa have an expiration date? We were scheduled for the end of March before our appointment got canceled, we had done vaccines and medical prior to any closures as well. We have reached out to the embassy and have been given a general answer on they are aware and are looking for a solution, since many are wondering if they will have to pay all of that money again. I follow a lawyer in the Dominican Republic who is working on immigration cases and stated that in a recent visa petition for a US citizen spouse, the medical had expired and they now have to repay to get new ones. I know there's no definitive answer but just wanted to see if anyone knew a little more or if this one scenario was being seen elsewhere. Also would it be possible to get priority on appointment over someone who has not done medical if they are set to expire soon? I called the embassy and their response is we have to wait until the suspension is lifted. Thanks.

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Form DS-260
10:03 pm May 12, 2020

Violetta Reyes

Violetta Reyes

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I am on the second part of our visa process to where we file our online applications and documents on CEAC. Question 1: My husband does not have his passport yet and will be getting one after quarantine. Will we be able to start form DS-260 even though we are missing his passport information? Is the online application able to be saved and we can come back to it later once we have the information? Also did you have all those documents translated to English?

Question 2: I filled out the AOS form and am concerned about my income in 2019. I ve made 50K this year. But I also lost money from a business through deductions. And it brought my income down. Do you know if they would take that into consideration or overlook it?

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K1 marriage 90 days deadline amid covid 19
9:27 pm May 11, 2020


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Hi everyone

my fianc enter the USA on March 5th,

we haven t got married yet because everything is closed on NYC,

now on the city clerk website they put a project Cupid, which is letting people get their marriage license online, I managed to do that, but the closest appointment to sign the license online through a video chat with the clerk is by the end of July, which I choose,

my concern is that by then, the 90 days period would be ended,
i don t know what else to do, is not like is our fault no getting married on time, all our plans has been changed, at this point we just want to get married even with no celebration at all...

any advice pls, thank you.

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Once in America...
9:02 pm May 11, 2020



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So I am married now to my husband from Dominican republic. He is still there amidst this corona virus. He doesn't speak much English and that is the only thing I am nervous about for when he comes here. Hes learning but what are some jobs that are best for Spanish speakers in the us? Where English can be learned or not spoken much. What have some of your husbands/wives from other countries found best for jobs/income? All suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance!

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