New to the forums and I've done a little research on I-130 / 864 / IR-1 and seems like these are tied together for a process in immigration in my category.
I am a U.S. citizen, born and raised, and moved to Costa Rica in December, 2014 and got married with my wife on the 20th of December, we had known each other for a year or so online prior to making the commitment to move at that time. I have been living here abroad in Costa Rica and have a temporary residency pending a permanent, only thing waiting at this point is time since it should automatically transition over so staying here has been no issue. I have marriage certification and documentation and countless amounts of proof of relationship.
I don't have a place of residency in the states, and I don't have tax return information (never filed), I work remotely as a web developer for a foreign company.. I have already begun the process of filing for taxes for previous 2 years, but for the place of domicile, this will be a process but do plan on getting a place in Florida and establish a permanent residency to be able to sponsor my wife. Does the I-864 come into play only after being approved for the I-130?
Where would the IR-1 come into play for all of this or is this a separate thing entirely?
I'd like for my wife to be able to visit, so I imagine this would be with a Tourist Visa without intention of staying (return flight and a limited timeframe in the US) correct? Are there ways to possibly have her stay in the U.S. during some of the process or will she only be able to utilize a Toursit Visa and visit occasionally providing proof of no intention to stay with return flight, money to support while she's here, etc.