Should I change the vehicle registration to include my husband in order to send that in with our I-751? Cost is $170.00 per vehicle! Currently its just me on the registration for both vehicles because 1. I purchased my vehicle before we started dating and 2. for his vehicle he was working for a company that wouldn't allow him much time off and I had unlimited vacation at the time so I just took the vehicle in.
This is what we currently have for our evidence:
- US and Chilean marriage certificates and Chilean family record book
- Current drivers license, previous drivers license and instruction permit
- Joint tax records
- Affidavits
- Bank statements showing direct deposit and grocery, internet, gas, electric, mortgage, being paid out of our joint account
- Recorded deed for our home, loan application, mortgage statements, yearly insurance policy, tax bill w/both of our names
- Gas and electric statement
- Current health insurance cards, previous health insurance cards, medical notes for me regarding fertility plan and lab results
- Copy of retirement designation form designating my husband as primary beneficiary
- Auto Insurance ID cards and verification of insurance with both our names as jointly covered
- Travel details of 2 trips we took together
- Photos
- Other evidence: Costco membership, copy of check that was sent from my grandmother with both of our names for Christmas gift, card from my parents for our 2nd anniversary, card that I gave to my husband for our 1st anniversary