Quick question: My husband is completing the I-130 to petition for my son (his stepson under 18) at the same time as petitioning for me. Under Part 4 - Information about the Beneficiary, Information about the Beneficiary's Family, the instructions state "Provide information about the beneficiary's spouse and children". Do I simply put N/A for my son or do we complete this with the complete family information (i.e. Person 1 is me as his mother, Person 2 is his stepfather, Person 3 is his biological father, etc.).
Note that I have a Custody agreement whereby my son's father has expressly consented to my son and me moving to the US, so there's no problem there (son's dad and I were never legally married, but we did a Custody Agreement in order to determine Child Support, etc.).
We just need to know what to put on the I-130.
Thanks very much!