Here s my review!
I booked my appt the morning I got my interview letter (Jan 17th 7:30AM) online for Jan 24th 10:30AM. Got a confirmation email about half hour after I booked it. On Jan 21st, I got an email and text notification that the appt got rescheduled to 10:45AM.
I called the office to double check the time and things I need to bring. Receptionist informed that passport photos are NOT needed. Just passport, interview letter, and immunization records. (I brought passport photos just in case lol)
I got to the location around 10:30AM. Parking is big, but was packed when I got there. Had to drive around a bit before I got a spot. Went in the building, up the elevator, down the right hallway to the back. I got into the office at 10:37AM. Receptionist told me to take a seat. Called up to the desk around 10:50AM. She took a photocopy of my interview letter and passport. And asked for my address, took my photo and signed a paper. Paid $260 with debit (debit or cash only). They gave me an eMedical info sheet. Then waited for the doctor.
Called in to see Dr.Zatzman around 11:15AM. We went through the questionnaire. Medications, drug/alcohol problems, surgeries, psychological history, and some other basic things. I noted my appendectomy at age 12 and bipolar disorder. I told him that I was on medication but have been off since June 2019 and was discharged from my psychiatrist. He noted this under the comments section. (I did bring a doctors note with a very brief history of my psychiatric health, but wasn t asked for it). He then took my height and weight (told me to keep my shoes on), and blood pressure. Then we went over the immunizations. I gave him my yellow pamphlet. He noted flu shot, tdap, mmr, and just took a verbal confirmation that I ve had chicken pox. He then gave me 2 papers for the blood/urine test and X-ray. Dr. Zatzman was very nice and friendly. Throughout the visit we chatted about what city I was going to and about the blackhawks/bulls/bears. At the end, he wished me the best and hoped I d be with my husband soon. I was out of his office around 11:26AM.
I went down the elevator to do blood/urine lab first (you can do them in any order). Handed the receptionist my form that Dr.Zatzman gave me around 11:30AM. Sat down, waited. Called up around 11:37AM. Was asked to double check my information. That s when I realized my address was wrong (wrong unit#). Receptionist at the lab fixed it and told me to go back upstairs to fix it with Zatzman s office after. I paid $30.34 with Credit card (accepts cash/debit/credit). Sat back down and waited. This lab is nice in that they have a screen with the list of clients and approx wait time, so you can see where you are in the queue. Called in by the nurse around 12PM. She took my blood and gave me the cup for the urine test. Placed the cup in the white biohazardous box and left.
Went to the X-ray office (also on the first floor but by the elevators) around 12:15PM. Again gave them the form from dr.Zatzman. And told them of the address error. They took my passport. Paid $70 with credit card (accepts cash/debit/credit). As the receptionist was entering my information, I was already being called in by the X-ray tech. They let me go in while she was still doing something on the computer. Went to the change room and told to take off everything on top including bra, put on the gown and tie it in the back and to put my hair up in a bun. Then went into the X-ray room and it was really quick. Changed and went back out to the receptionist. The computer glitched so they were still inputting my info. Nonetheless, I got my passport back and was out of there around 12:25PM.
I just had to go back upstairs to Dr. Zatzman s office to fix my address.
I was told by dr.Zatzman earlier that the package usually takes about a week and that the office will call me when it s ready for pick up.
1 hour 48 mins
$360.34 ($260 debit, $30.34 credit, $70 credit)
All in all a pretty easy and smooth experience. Hope this helps! Feel free to message me any questions