I m a November 2018 filer and my 18 month extension letter is expiring on August 20. I m have a MSC number and am in NYC, which is a very slow field office, it seems. My case has been ready for interview since April 4 2019.
I have plans to travel for research to Canada (my home country) in the summer, and ideally would be gone for 1.5 months straight for time/budget reasons. At first I was planning on travelling July and August, but since my extension letter is expiring in August I decided to move it earlier, which is fine.
Except I m worried that if I try to re-enter the states with say, 20 days left on my extension letter that will cause issues?
I would LOVE to go the route of getting a stamp in my passport, but I read that the NYC office will only let you schedule an appointment within 30 days of your letter expiring.
so long story short, here are my two options and I d like to get a consensus as to what would be better.
1). Travel from say, mid June to the end of July, knowing that there will be less than a month less on my extension letter when I enter and hope that that doesn t cause me issues
2) break up my travel, travel from end of may to mid June, come home with in 30 days of the expiry so that I can make a field office appointment, then make a second research trip after I have the stamp in my passport.
plan 2 sounds convoluted, I know, but I ll do it if need be.
I would really like to hear opinions, or hear what other people have done as they are/have approached the expiry of their extension letters!
Of course, this is all assuming that I will not hear anything about my case before then, haha.