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US Immigration from Canada

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Paying Taxes in Canada
12:39 am February 26, 2020



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Hello! Looking for tips on how people may have filed their taxes in Canada. I worked in Ontario from Jan-Sep 2019. moved to the US in September 2019. Am still in process of adjusting status (no interview scheduled yet). Tried filing free through H&R block and I hit a road block right away with the mailing address. I still have a place where I can get my mail so I put that address in, but hit another road block, when it came to marital status and they asked where my husband lived on Dec 31, 2019 and there were no options outside of Canada. I'm thinking I may need to hire someone but don't really wanna do that. Hoping someone can share some tips based on what they did.

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Montreal Horizon-Medisys Review (Feb 2020)
5:31 pm February 25, 2020



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Hi all,

I thought I'd write a review of my experience doing the medical examination at Horizon (formerly Medisys) in Montreal.


The clinic was very easy to find. It's in a big office building next to McGill metro station on De Maisonneuve and Robert-Bourrassa. Horizon is on the 22nd floor. (Bonus: there's a newly opened branch of Caf Olimpico just down Robert-Bourrassa if you need a quick coffee and croissant!)


I'm not sure if there was a redesign with the recent rebrand, but the clinic was very clean and brightly lit. My appointment was 12.30pm on a Thursday; there were less people than I expected, maybe 25 in total in the waiting room. There were still plenty of seats left. Close to the window, there's a small kids' play area with a table, chairs, and some toys.


I gave the receptionist 5 passport pictures (Canadian-sized, no need for the photographer's address on the back), my vaccination records, my passport, a copy of the P4 letter from the US Consulate (printed this off from my email), and a copy of my visa interview date confirmation (ditto). I was given a detailed medical history form to fill out, which I gave back to the receptionist upon completing.


  1. Not long after this, I was called for X-rays along with two other people. We were shown to some changing cabins and told to put on gowns (removed clothes from waist up only). We did the chest X-rays one person at a time; this process was very quick and efficient. The technician took a front X-ray, then side; the whole thing took not even 5 minutes. Once we were done, she gave me a yellow slip to drop into a folder bin on my way out; this was to prove that I completed the X-ray portion. I got dressed and went back to the waiting room.
  2. After 15-20 mins, I was called for a one-on-one physical with a doctor. We went through another medical history checklist (this time more in detail), then he asked me to change into a full-body gown (keeping bra, underwear, and socks). He shone a light into my eyes and ears, checked my reflexes, checked my thyroid, palpated my abdomen, etc. nothing too invasive. The doctor was very chatty and friendly, to the point where I thought, "Hey buddy, don't you have other patients to get to?" He told me I was in excellent health and sent me on my way.
  3. The next step took a while to get to; I must've waited at least 30 minutes. A nurse called me into a room and took a blood sample, tested my vision with and without glasses, weighed and measured me, and gave me a urine cup. I made sure to get any missing vaccinations at the local CLSC before visiting Horizon, but if you need any additional immunizations they'll happen at this stage. The nurse returned my vaccination records and gave me instructions for the urine test.
  4. I headed to the bathroom for the urine test (the women's facilities are out the door, past the elevators, and to the left). Once that was done, I dropped off the cup at a designated window (it's just to your left as you enter Horizon).
  5. After some more waiting, the receptionist called me to the counter and double-checked the paperwork to see that all the required tests were done. Then, she had me pay; the total came up to just over CAD 475 with tax ouch. (There was an option to get the results couriered to me for CAD 50, but that was too rich for my blood!) She gave me the receipt (required for pickup of results) and told me I'd get an email when the results were ready. That was it! In total, I spent about 1h40 at Horizon.

Three business days later, the results were ready to be picked up. Note that Horizon opens at 7am every day for those who are thinking of getting their envelope right before the visa interview; however, that's cutting it a bit close for me since my appointment is at 7.30am.

Overall, the whole process was very smooth (if expensive). Hope this review helps!

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Questions about I-944
2:44 am February 25, 2020


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So this form, wants tax returns and credit scores, and debts, and assets and benefits -- Which I understand, but, if I only just moved to the US, and don't have a credit score, never did US tax returns, obviously don't have any US debts or benefits, or assets, or pretty much any income because I am waiting for my EAD to work to make any sort of income, what am I to put for any of these answers?

Do I put 0/NA or am I putting all the info from my SO and all their stuff?

OR can I just give them all my Canadian versions of these things (tax returns, credit score etc)?

I don't apply for AOS for another few months, but looking at it for future reference gives me a headache 'cause I won't have any of these things. Are not having these things just going to get me denied, even though its not my fault we can't have most of this automatically?

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Montreal Expedite Requests
9:57 pm February 24, 2020



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Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone on here has sent an expedite request for the Montreal Consulate? How long did it taken to hear a decision from them?

thank you!

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Montreal consulate Courier service site ot letting me register appointment
6:44 pm February 24, 2020



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We received our IL Friday and went to set up our courier service on the registration site for the Montreal consulate and it won't let us. Saying it's not ready to register our appointment.

The status of our case still says "at NVC" is this why it won't let us register? And if so how long does it take for our status to update on the NVC site?

Wondered if anyone else had this happen to them.


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