I hope everyone is safe and distancing with loved ones .
I posted a question last week specifically about ASC openings for biometrics. Please stay on topic and not overly political if you respond. The discussion got heated and way off topic, so the question never was answered.
My question is who can decide when to open specific ASC offices? The Federal government or the State level? (I foresaw there being a Federal (Republican) vs. State (Democrat) showdown in states like CA, WA, NYC, etc. and now am wondering even more how it will play out.
Without getting political, my original question remains: Is it possible for one State to open it's ASC offices for biometrics before other States? Or is that something that is mandated at the Federal level?
For example, if the Federal government says "open ASC" and Nebraska wants to but Illinois doesn't, can the States decide?
Or CA vs AZ . Or FL vs GA, etc. The specifics don't matter.
Hypothetically, if Trump still wants to hit an aspirational Easter date to open businesses and says to open ASCs, would Gavin Newsome or Jay Inslee have to listen? Or could each state actually be different on what offices open and when?
Is anyone locally hearing their ASC offices MIGHT open?
Stay safe and thank you!