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US Immigration from Canada

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I-131 and I-765
6:32 pm May 12, 2020


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hey guys,

So with everything going on im out of work at the moment in my country. We were approved on our I-130 recently and with interviews shut down I'm considering going the I-485 route. Just curious how long it takes for the 131 and 765 to be approved?

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Unable to see family due to US-CANADA border closure
3:31 pm May 12, 2020



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I m sure there are many people on here impacted by the US - Canada border closure. I am a permanent resident living in the US however I am only 30 minutes from the Canadian border and prior to the border closure I went up to Canada very frequently to visit my family. The border being closed to non essential travel for the forseable future has really taken a negative toll on my mental health what with being separated from family until who knows when. What Makes the situation more frustrating is I live in a very very rural area and am currently seeing hardly anyone and my family who I would visit is also in a very rural area (on a farm) and so we are at a low risk of spreading the virus. I am wondering if anyone is in a similar situation? I wish there were exceptions to the rules. I understand they don t want a huge influx of travelers, shoppers and tourists but I don t feel like I m a threat when I would only visit my family and be quarantined there. Is there anything I can do about this?

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Filling out D-260 and have questions
4:39 am May 12, 2020



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Currently filling out DS-260, it says please list your last 5 visits into the US and their duration. Since I (the beneficiary) am currently in the US from March 13 (already been 2 months) and expect to be for another month, should I just write 3 months? Or should I write 2 months since I have already been here for 2 months...

The second question is that it asks if you have ever gotten a visa, I have not ever needed a visa as I am Canadian and qualify under the visa waiver program. However, I distinctly remember in 2015, I was traveling and I may have gotten a B-2 visa issued to me. I likely have a stamp of it on my old passport, which I do not have with me. Who do I contact to find out about this possible visa?

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Need advice on K1/K3 or CR1?
2:08 am May 12, 2020



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My case is complicated. Let me start from the beginning. I am a US citizen and my fiance from Moscow and I applied for a K1 in Feb 2018, and we got the VISA in May 2019 at the embassy after several months of trying to get an interview date. We arrived in the US together in October 2019, but due to my sudden 4 month work assignment in Germany in January 2020, we decided not to get married right away as we would be apart for too long while she adjusts her status.

Now, we are trying to figure out what to do. I was thinking that we could marry in Russia and then we can apply for a CR1 or K3. The reason why this is an option is that my company has an office in Moscow and I can actually get a work VISA and establish temporary Russian residency. I thought that perhaps I could qualify for DCF(direct consular filing) this way, but it is my understanding that the USCIS closed this permanently in March 2019. If I officially reside in Moscow for more than 6 months, is there still a way to apply through the embassy directly if DCF services were shutdown, rather than the lockbox in Chicago or Phoenix?

The other option is that we re-apply for the K1. It will be weird as we already applied and were accepted and she was in the US for 80 days. It would be nice to somehow fasttrack a second application, after already having a previously approved K1. I assume the answer is no, but I will ask- is that possible? Is there any way to apply in Moscow if I establish my 6 month residency?

My next question can influence whether to go for the K1 or CR1. Once in the US, is there a difference in how long it takes for my wife to get status to start working? If we get a CR1 or K3, can my wife get a greencard more quickly thank K1? What about DCF? We are thinking that even if a process takes longer while in Russia, it might be better to minimize how long she's waiting to be able to work once we arrive in the US.

To us, it doesn't really matter whether we marry in the US or Russia, but we are trying to weigh the pros and cons. Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!

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How do you sign the i130 when filing electronically
1:31 am May 12, 2020


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How do you sign the i130 when you re filing electronically?
I thought If you submitted it online it didn t require a signature - and now I m panicking!

Sent the i130s in March electronically for ir1/ir2

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