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What happens if you don't get mail delivery? |
6:54 pm September 4, 2020 | |

Read 311 Times 3 Replies
This is a small bit of premature paranoia on my part because we just got the application sent in a week ago, but I'm still worried about it. We have been having a lot of problems with our mail lately. Like no mail for more than a week now. I've signed up for the service where USPS emails you scanned copies of what mail you're expected to get that day, so I know there was mail that was supposed to arrive (including some very important non-immigration mail) and never did. Neighbors are up in arms about it, and one said they talked to the local post office manager who said they are way behind and that 10 mail carriers have quit in the past month. This makes me really worried for USCIS mail, such as biometrics appointments. Have people had issues with this? Can you reliably get this information online or over the phone? If I was able to get an e-mail preview showing mail coming from USCIS, is there someone I could call to ask what that mail was about, or an appointment date, if the notification never arrives? Also, how much lead time is there generally between receiving notice of a biometrics appointment and the actual date of the appointment?
Using real estate as assets - proof of no mortgage? |
4:35 am September 4, 2020 | |

Read 1118 Times 20 Replies
I'm the immigrant and my US citizen spouse is the sponsor. We need to use a joint sponsor and that joint sponsor -- my retired father-in-law - is using the value of his home as proof of assets. We ve had the appraisal done. My in-laws own their home outright. We are using a lawyer and I asked him about whether we need to prove that there is no mortgage or liens on the property. He wasn t sure and said to get the appraiser to note it on the appraisal report and also to try to get the deed to the house. We live across country from my in-laws and they are not very technologically or financially literate. (IE they don t know how to use a computer or a credit card.) They went and got what was supposed to be the deed to the house, but it looks like a transfer of title from when they originally purchased the home - It showed the name of the previous owner and of my in-laws and the date of sale. But there is no mention of a mortgage. I tried to look around online but couldn t find any online service in their count that had documents that might show me any kind of mortgage discharge documents or land title information. They live in an incredibly rural area. We ve sent in the application because the lawyer wanted to get it in before the public charge rule is formally reinstated by USCIS. But I m worried about this issue. I guess my only option is to hire a title company to track down this information for me and then wait and see if we get RFE d for it? Or could I get the title and then just send it in on its own? Application has been received at lockbox this week but that's it so far. Anyone with experience with this?
Can’t renew my passport, how do I immigrate or travel? |
2:24 pm September 3, 2020 | |

Read 786 Times 11 Replies
Despite the laws changing regarding spousal visitations, my Canadian passport has only two months of travel left on it, making it invalid for me the visit the United States and also creating complications with my CR-1 process. The passport offices in Canada have been closed for around four months, and recently have some exemptions: You can only get travel document services in Canada if you have a valid reason to travel urgently. Valid urgent travel reasons include if you re travelling - for a medical reason because you have a serious illness
- because of the serious illness or death of someone you know
- because you ll have financial problems from the loss of a job or business
- to support an essential service
- for humanitarian reasons
- You need a letter from your organization that lists the humanitarian reasons.
The loss of airfare or other travel expenses is not a valid reason for urgent travel. If you submitted an application in person or by mail and you don t need to travel urgently, we ll process it when normal services resume. If you don t need a passport or travel document urgently, wait until normal services resume. As you may have noticed, these urgent restrictions don t outline spouses or immediate family members, making it impossible for me to travel to the USA and- if I get my green card interview scheduled in Montreal I wont have a valid Canadian passport to give them. I ve called and discussed this with Canadian passport services and they ve simply restated that only the services outlined are included. I ve also written an email to my local member of parliament. I have nothing else I can do but wait, continuously wait like I ve been for my green card during all of this grief. Can anyone help me understand how to renew my passport. I m at my wits end.
Filing N-400: online or paper? |
6:24 pm September 2, 2020 | |

Read 6809 Times 20 Replies
Hi all, I'll eligible to apply for my N-400 online or by paper. A couple of things: 1. I'm filing under the 5-year rule; I have my 10-year green card but am now divorced from my American spouse. I reached the 5-year mark in April 2020. Just now getting to applying (and beating the fee increase on 2 Oct!) 2. I don't particularly care about the speed (cause it's all taking forever anyways ) but I want to make sure that if I file online, there is somewhere to upload supporting documents (extra lines for addresses/jobs etc) 3. Anyone else out there applied whilst divorced? Did you provide a copy of your divorce decree? Anything else I need to know? 4. With the N-400, am I supposed to provide supporting documents (divorce papers, letter from counselor saying we attended marriage counselling sessions, anything else??) like we had to do with all the other applications in this last 5 years? I would love your thoughts on any/all of the above. I have the paper one all filled out but online seems smoother and more streamline if I can upload what need and provide supporting docs if needed. Thanks so much all! Meagan
Canadian spouse who came to US before Covid travel bans ( no i-130 filed yet). Can we apply for AOS? |
5:42 pm September 2, 2020 | |

Read 810 Times 12 Replies
I am an American citizen and my husband is Canadian. We were married in a small ceremony in Canada last February (2019) but have not yet filed I-130 for a lot of reasons. We both live close to the border and have been together in a long distance relationship for going on 11 years now, so it worked out fine for us to visit back and forth regularly until we had the money saved up to file. Shortly before border travel bans between US and CAN were enacted, my husband came to stay with me with the intention of staying for a couple weeks. He took that amount of time off work (he works in a restaurant), and when we crossed together, he was admitted entry with no issue. We travelled together because his car was in disrepair, and it's not uncommon for us to drive back and forth together when visiting one another. However, once he was here, things in MI took a sudden sharp turn south in regards to Covid. Rules about crossing have been confusing and somewhat difficult to follow since, and we were unsure of what would happen should we try to cross back into Canada together. His work was understanding of the situation, especially as they had to reduce staff hours due to Covid restrictions themselves, and so he decided to stay here for as long as possible. Now that we are coming up to his 182 days and having to plan to bring him back to Canada, I am heartbroken at the idea of having to be here alone and unable to see my husband with uncertainty of when borders will be open. Both of our mental health has taken a huge hit, as we both already struggle with anxiety/depression outside of the Covid crisis and everything else going on at this time. Our original plan was to file for I-130 once he was in Canada and we were planning to file that as soon as I come back from taking him home...However, I would like to know if there is any way at all possible that we could instead file for an AOS and allow him to stay here instead? I own my home and make enough money that I could support both of us until he gets his Green Card, and his family/friends in Canada would be able to at least visit him here during that time if he could not travel. We are just struggling mentally and want nothing more than to be together at this time.
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