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US Immigration from Cameroon
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Pages: 1 2 3 Last (Viewing page 1 of 13 ) - topics in the last 5 years
NVC EB Cases at Cameroon |
10:58 am March 24, 2025 | |

Read 162 Times 6 Replies
Does any know what month of DQ they are processing for EB cases at Yaounde, Cameroon?
K-1 With A Baby |
8:42 pm March 14, 2024 | |

Read 994 Times 11 Replies
I was looking at some K-2 statistics in my fianc 's home country and it seems that they haven't denied any K-2 petitions in the last five years? Does having kids make things easier? We have a newborn daughter, but I'm the petitioner and she's already in the U.S. with me. Has anyone read cases where they outright deny couples with kids?
Pages: 1 2 3 Last (Viewing page 1 of 13 ) - topics in the last 5 years
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