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US Immigration from Cambodia

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K1 Visa Cancelled Without Prejudice stamp on it
10:30 pm December 15, 2021


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My future daughter in law passed her visa interview and when she went to pick up her visa there s a stamp on it Cancelled Without Prejudice . The embassy didn t explain the reason for the stamp but only to wait to hear from the embassy. Anyone has similar experience like this? I d appreciate if you could shar and provide some guidance. Thanks.

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CR1, getting married in Cambodia. Paperwork required?
11:14 pm December 9, 2021


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Does anyone have any experience doing this, I've been in contact with my fiance and about getting a person that handles the paperwork side for you with the ministries etc.

My main question is that there are documents I need to collect here, but I have no idea where I am supposed to get them. The embassy does not help in any of this on where to go.

I've attached a screenshot, I don't even know what #2 is, most seem easy to get. It wants a single certificate, being from the US, that isn't something that is common, I have my divorce decree still from when I sent it in with our K1 previously.

I've lived in a few states, but it doesn't say if it requires something from all states or if just going to my local courthouse will pull a nationwide criminal background check? Which either way works, I have nothing on my criminal record, just not sure what is exactly needed, I'd rather go over prepared than need something when I get there.

Does anyone have time frames on the length of the process, I've been told $2k will get it done in 3 weeks, $2500 for 2 weeks, which is the time you land to the time you can have your wedding.

I know Cambodia is a much less common topic on this forum, but hoping someone sees this that has gone through the process of marrying a Khmer national in Cambodia and has a better walk through than this paper I received.


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N-400 interview/Same day oath ceremony
10:02 pm October 20, 2021



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My wife went to her n-400 interview today at the local Santa Ana field office. She has a pending I-751 so I went with her just in case I was needed for a combo interview and she bought her ROC documents also. We checked in at security and they let both of us inside. At the first check in they asked for her notice and ID. They then said I could not go with her bc it was an N400 case and not 751 and told me to wait downstairs just in case the officer asked to see me also. After 30 minutes of waiting my wife called me to go upstairs bc the officer had asked to see me at the interview also. We ended up doing a combo interview with the N400 questions first. After my wife passed the N400 test the officer asked questions about my divorce and kids and where we met. He didn t ask for any of the paperwork and evidence we had bought with us. He then said he would need a few minutes to process paper work and told us to wait outside. After 10 minutes he came back to get us and proceeded to ask my wife some more yes and no questions. He then said he recommended her for citizenship and that we needed to go upstairs for the oath ceremony. The oath took about 30 minutes with another group of people. I m not sure why some people had their ceremony scheduled for a later date and some people like my wife had same day. Out of the people at the ceremony there were 5-6 that were same day. I just want to say visa journey was a great help with the immigration process and everyone else on this site was so cool and helpful. I wish good luck to everyone on their journey and don t worry it will be such a relief when it s all said and done :)

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Sinoxxx vaccines ok for USA immigration
11:27 pm October 11, 2021



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I know there has been talks about allowing WHO emergency use vaccines for travelers to the USA. How about for immigration purposes? Are the Chinese vaccines ok to receive with intention to immigrate to the USA on a CR1?

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CR1 Proof to Overcome K1 Denial
7:22 am August 27, 2021


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Our K1 was denied at the interview on July 29, she was verbally told that the officer was "worried for her safety" but the letter given to her said "not a genuine relationship". We married Aug 24, and are preparing to apply for the I-130. We want to be sure that we have enough proof to overcome the previous denial.

I plan to provide everything I previously provided (226 photos, land purchased together in 2018 with a 5 year loan, 17 Cambodian visas in my name, 16 hotel bookings in other countries with photos of the trip (part of the 226 photos)).

Below are the additional things I've thought of that we could provide:

A) Affidavits from 2 American citizen expats that know us very well, and one from my mom
B) Visa stamps side by side showing we did travel together as much as I said (I previously provided hotel bookings, and photos, but adding stamps to really prove it)
C) Passports for my mom/kids to show that yes, these are really photos of my kids here in Cambodia with her and not someone local I'm "pretending" is my family.
D) Western Union payments I send to her at least once a month since December 2016
E) Proof that she can speak at least some English (3rd grade English)
F) Proof of her daughter doing school online in USA that I've been paying for (IXL, on 5th grade English)
G) Proof that we didn't marry before because I thought I couldn't (I found while gathering my arrests when doing the K1, as I also did an FBI Background Check and it was clean)
H) Our chats on Messenger, not sure how far back that goes.
I) Her chats on Messenger with my family in USA
J) Photos from our engagement party (because of COVID they only allowed us to have 20 guests, but we have photos doing the local customs for engagement and marriage).
K) Photos from the elopement party we'll do, showing us with hopefully ALOT of people via Zoom. I'd need to wait until after September 9 for this.
L) A letter/affidavit from her family
M) A letter/affidavit from the people we rented apartments from
N) A letter/affidavit from the local commune acknowledging the relationship
O) Showing her name on my stuff like utility bills, just that is being a pain now because of social security number issue. Plus will take more time waiting for the physical copies. Plus in my mind it looks fake doing that as she isn't there yet. None of my banks or credit cards allow her without SSN, so if I should do a bank I'll need to open a new account with CitiBank.
P) Showing how I didn't get the money back from our planned wedding in USA (I had already spent $2100 and only got $300 back, so I didn't get stuff I could turn around and refund).
Q) Showing how hard it was to come here to be with her ($3000 deposit, missed flight because of no rapid tests costing $350, $275 for COVID test in USA, $200 for COVID tests in Cambodia, being away from my kids, 3 days in quarantine plus $200+ in fees from it, plus I got the flight as soon as they re-opened flights to Cambodia)
R) A copy showing we did the online ePREP pre-marital program (recommended by Utah)

Please let me know which ones for sure I should include, and which ones aren't needed or possibly bad (like not sure if WU receipts will help or hurt). We are only 3 years apart, and look evenly matched, so I doubt they think she is a gold digger or that I'm a sugar daddy.

Also, let me know if there is something I'm not thinking of.

One last question, I really do need to go back to the states at least for a couple months. I'm just really worried that me leaving her right after marrying will look really bad and make the relationship look less genuine. I'm also very worried that I'll get stuck in USA like I did on my last trip.

Also, a bit depressed, as their communication makes it seem like there is nothing I can provide to prove our relationship. Honestly, if COVID let's up might be best we just move to another country then apply from there.

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