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US Immigration from Azerbaijan

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Covid Vaccine for Russian beneficiary
7:35 am July 5, 2023


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7 Replies


Is Covid vaccine still required for K1 visa? My fiance has received notice that her case is being sent to US embassy in Warsaw. Is the Sputnik vaccine accepted or not? If the Sputnik vaccine is not accepted then what do Russians do to fulfill the Covid requirement?

Thank you

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Spouse of DV1 Green Card Applicant
7:04 pm June 9, 2023


Read 883 Times
3 Replies


My husband won the Green Card lottery, and we had an interview two weeks ago. My husband and our two children were approved for the Green Card, but I received a blue slip (INA 221g) stating that they would be checking my travel history. The slip mentioned that I would only receive questions via email.

I received an email with questions, to which I responded. I also visited the website "usatraveldocs" and opened a new application for the immigrant visa registration address. I filled in all the required information and indicated that the delivery of the passport would be via TNT courier. However, I keep receiving a message saying, "your case has been updated, please log back into your account to view the details." When I log into my account, there is no new information available.

I kindly request your assistance with this matter. I understand that I need to send my passport via TNT for the visa to be placed inside it, but I haven't received any instructions regarding this. What should I do?

Thank you for your help.


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Dallas Field Office
1:41 pm March 30, 2021


Read 519 Times
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Hi! Does anyone have an email address for someone in the Dallas Field Office?

My husband has a greencard and we are applying for his citizenship under the 319(b) exception (spouses of citizens stationed abroad). We have a deadline of April 22, 2021 to get his biometrics appointment scheduled and submitted. We were suppose to do overseas (where we are now) but because of COVID the embassy can't provide biometric services and we need to get it done in the States (Dallas). We would like to have his biometrics and citizenship interview scheduled very close to each other since we will be traveling from abroad and will need to return to my post quickly.

Thanks for any info!

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biometrics for n400 under 319(b)
5:01 pm October 28, 2020


Read 1173 Times
8 Replies

Hey friends,

My husband and I are applying for his naturalization under the 319(b) exception (employment abroad). We are currently in Dallas and my post starts in 2 weeks. We plan to send our application in at the same time that we fly our together to my post. I keep reading that fingerprints are required in the application and some places say that after they receive your N400, they will schedule you a biometrics appointment at a USCIS service center in the US (if you are in the US) or you can do it abroad. Is there anyway to schedule an appointment for fingerprints before we actually submit the N400 application? Or can we get fingerprints at a notary or local business center that provides them? We don't want to hassle with trying to find a USCIS center abroad (we think there is not one in the country where we are going) to get fingerprints after our application has already been submitted.

Thanks for reading and responding! You guys are the best <3


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Fee increase?
10:39 pm October 25, 2020


Read 631 Times
5 Replies

Hello friends,

We are getting ready to send in my husband's n-400. I heard some rumors over the summer that fees were going to increase as of October 1, 2020. Does anyone know if they have indeed increased?

For example, I heard that the fee for naturalization would increase from $725 to around $1100.

Thank you!

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Pages: 1 2   (Viewing page 1 of 2 ) - topics in the last 5 years

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