Hi, my wife and I applied for SB-1 (I didn't realise at the time, but I now know I shouldnt have done this) form after having been out of the US as an LPR for over 2 yrs due to covid, but we were both denied in December 2022. We are now looking to travel to the US in the next 1-2 months to visit family and have applied for an ESTA, my wife was approved but I was not.
Some questions I have that I would greatly appreciate some advice on:
1) why was my wife approved her ESTA but not me? seeing as SB-1 was denied in 12/22, I would have thought that means our LPR is no longer linked to our passports and are therefore eligible for ESTA, as evident in my wife getting it approved. FWIW we applied together and answered 'no' to all security related questions.
2) my greencard expired in 07/22 whilst being overseas, is it worth taking the risk to travel to the US on my expired greencard and subsequently go through the process of filing/not filing an I-407 once there even though my SB-1 was denied? Based on this document, expired green card holders can board a flight to the US however I've seen conflicting reports on whether this is applicable to a GC holder who's card expired whilst being outside of the US for over a year.
Thanks in advance for your help.