Hello. I've read what I could find about this and hope for any info and/or suggestions.
I'm U.S. born, wife is Argentina-born, we moved to U.S. with K-1 visa and married here 5 years ago. She is now a naturalized U.S. citizen.
She has 3 adult children still in Argentina (my step-children). All have spouses but none legally married, one has 3 year-old child.
1) What is the best way for us to get our children to the U.S.? Would my wife have to file I-130 for each, or are there other (better) ways?
2) Would we have to prove our ability to provide support for all ($21k +/- times 3?). All three speak English but none have a college degree (though one is getting close and works for a multinational corporation)
3) Is there a best guess as to how long it would take for our children to actually be able to come to the U.S.?
4) Is there anything that can be done for our son-in-law and daughters-in law, and how long might that process take?
Any information, idea, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks...