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About dbarker2

  • Birthday 04/27/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Provo, UT

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Hey everyone I have been a member here for a couple of weeks. I wish I would have known about it sooner! Anyway, here is my and Charbel's story, hope you enjoy.

    Around November of 2008 Charbel and I became friends on "Facebook". We had had some friends in common and she decided to add me. The first time we chatted online it was cool, but we really didn't think anything of it, and it was about a month before we chatted again. In December we started talking again one day and we literally chatted almost the entire day. At that point I thought she was really cool, but seeing as how she was from Mexico and I from the United States, it seemed like nothing would come of it because of the distance.

    From 2005 until 2007 I was a missionary for my Church in Bolivia so that is where I learned to speak Spanish fluently, so communication wasn't a problem between us.

    After that first day we began to chat all throughout the day and it became evident that there was a connection between us. After about two weeks I decided that I wanted to talk to her so I decided to call her. We were both very nervous, and excited. I was worried, because I wasn't sure that I would be able to understand too well over the phone, and because I know that Mexican and Bolivian Spanish is slightly different However, everything went great and from that day until now we have talked on the phone every day (except when I am down there with her)

    After about a month and officially "dating" I decided to get a plane ticket down to Veracruz, Mexico where she lives. It was the first time that I had traveled to Mexico, and I was slightly nervous considering the present situation down there. Well, after a long day of flight, I arrived around 8 PM at the Veracruz airport and when we saw each other all of our feelings were confirmed and we embraced and we had a wonderful time together. One funny thing about that first trip was that I was driving her father's car which she had brought to pick me up in, and within 10 minutes of leaving the airport I got pulled over by a police officer for not having my lights turned on all the way .. it was kind of scary as he tried to take away my license and the car, but luckily after talking to him and telling him that I had just arrived, he let us go and even helped us get to our destination.

    After that first trip it was very hard to leave and I was already planning my next trip for two months later. During that time we continued talking on the phone and online and I also was able to buy an engagement ring to take to Charbel in April. Considering the fact that we were always together when I was down there, it was hard to think of a creative way to ask her to marry me, but I was able to find an online florist shop that does home deliveries, so before I got down there I ordered them online and had them deliver her favorite flowers with a note saying that I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her. When she got them she knew what was coming and I pulled out the ring and proposed. Luckily she accepted

    That is when the difficult parts of planning a wedding started. Since we decided to get married in Mexico we had to make a couple of trips to Mexico City in order to get permission from the Mexican Government in order for me to get married down there. It was a long difficult and annoying process, but finally a few days before the wedding everything was in place, and accompanied by most of my family, and all of hers we were married, first civilly, and then religiously.

    After a honeymoon to Playa Del Carmen we had to part again and I returned to the United States to start the visa process. After about a month and a half I realized I couldn't wait until the visa was approved to see her again, so I went down there from the end of October until mid-november, it was amazing getting to be with my wife for so long. And of course I didn't want to spend Christmas with out her, so I went down for most of December and got to spend Christmas with her and her family. It was a great experience that I will always cherish.

    After returning home I was a little sad because we still had heard nothing about the visa and it had been sent in at the beginning of September. Then, we had a special surprise a few days later. We found out that Charbel was pregnant! We were very excited, but it even added to our sadness that we couldn't be together yet. At that point I started doing everything I could think of. I wrote our senator and two state representatives. About two weeks later, the senator's constituent liaison called us and asked for some info. She got in contact with USCIS and the next day we were approved! Now the I-129 has passed through NVC and is at the Ciudad Juarez Consulate waiting for our K3 visa interview

    It has been a long journey and there is still more to come, but we are both so happy and grateful that the part that includes us being separated is nearing its end, and we are ready to start our life together with our little baby who is due in September Thanks for reading and good luck everyone with your cases!

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