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About RenaMike

  • Birthday 08/27/1970

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Dec.2008 : We met online on eHarmony
    April.17th 2009: Mike came to visit me in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
    May. 2009: We went to a trip to Salvador/Bahia
    May. 18th. 2009 : Mike went back to SF
    Jun.2009 : Our Lawyer filed the I129
    Jun. 30th : NOA1 received
    Jul. 2nd: Cheque cashed
    Aug.23rd,2009: Mike arrives in Rio for 3 weeks to celebrate my birthday and our engagment
    Sept. 1st2009: Mike's Dad arrives in Rio to meet me and my family personally.
    Sept.7th,2009: Mike's Dad goes back to SF.
    Sept. 14th,2009: We fly back together to SF while waiting for the NOA2
    Oct.14th,2009: I fly back to Rio and hopelly we will receive the NOA2 shortly!!

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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