Nobody here said likely. What we said: Likelihood of denial is elevated when a CO has a clear discrepancy in the filed documentation in front of him or her.
These packages are normally approved or denied and the decision is made essentially before the applicant walks through the door.
One time a CO was grilling me (USC) about sponsoring on assets when I could see the document in front of him was already stamped approved. I did not take that grilling seriously LOL. We were comfortably within the law (something like 21X household size or something like that all banked and invested back home, nothing to do but hit “sell”)and he was just having what appeared to be a little fun with us. 😡 I-134 too. Not even a “real” support affidavit. Told him that too. He (almost) smiled. We were playing “the game”.
How many times here have we seen applicants denied while holding a stack of evidence brought to interview? CO doesnt even look at it. From as far back as I remember (2006) we have been carefully advising applicants to front end load their petition packages with solid evidence (not chats and phone bills and emails and photos) of real time spent together and what that time was spent doing and we always advise and warn and brief K1 applicants that their job is to prove to the officer that they are fiances intending to get married as soon as their feet reach US soil. Any indication otherwise - either not enough time spent together or even a sniff that the couple skirted rules to hold “engagement ceremonies” or sign marriage contracts or took any other action that would indicate any interpretation of formal, informal, backyard, or any marriage activity at all has caused a denial.
My problem here is that this is what the CO will see while he/she is making the real decision, the one made before the interview. Its a valid reason for concern and that is all it is. The overall opinion here is prep for the questions, ride it out, and expect to marry in home country / re-file if the worst happens.
As MikeE says, I’m out. Wishing OP the best of luck.