I have been working with Olvis Immigration and Travel and I must say, they are AWSOME! They have helped us so much with the process and I couldn't be happier. The team is great and very knowledgeable. They have helped my future wife with preparation of all her documents and have educated us a great deal and are now preparing her for the interview! I Would highly recommend them for all your needs.
Olvis Travel and Document Service
QC Pavilion Suite 116-117
Gorordo Avenue
Cebu City, Philippines 6000
From Cebu: 231-7625
From other areas in the Philippines: (032) 231-7625
From the U.S. to the Philippines: 011-63-32-231-7625
To our Las Vegas Office: 1-702-655-4578
Toll Free 1-877-226-6751 to our Cebu City office