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  1. Hello! Yes, she's a US citizen. She moved over to Argentina with me for 4 years, she didn't work there. When she returned to the States and started the whole process, she started to work. She only has taxes filed for the past 2 years because of it. This is why we're relying on her father to be my joint sponsor whose income is enough and above the poverty guidelines.
  2. Thanks for your reply! both the sponsor and the joint sponsor are currently in the US, so we should be okay with that. The sponsor only has filled tax returns for the last 2 years, not 3. So, in this case, would it be accurate to answer "NO" to the checkbox on item 15, and not fill the 3 most recent year tax return fields? Or should we check it as "YES", and only fill up the first 2 fields? Sorry for so many questions! I tried to follow some tutorials online, but given the specific situation, I appreciate the advice.
  3. I'd like to expand on this. The sponsor hasn't been in the country for a couple of years either, so she's only got the tax returns from last 2 years only, instead of 3. Is there something we need to clarify on the form to reflect that?
  4. Hello, everyone! I got to the US and got married to my fiancée, we're now filling for AoS. I've got a question regarding the addition of a joint sponsor. My spouse doesn't meet the minimal income, so we need a joint sponsor. On page 6 of the new affidavit of support (I-864), it lists additional people that I can add to the form, and their income. Should I fill that one up with the person that will be my joint sponsor AND a new I-864 form for them on top of it? Another issue I have, is that my joint sponsor doesn't want to put their social security number online for the tax return transcripts. Would the 1040+W2s be enough? I know it's a hairy situation with that, but there's nothing I can do about it. As for the proof of citizen, my sponsor has her birth certificate and passport, but my joint sponsor only has their birth certificate. Would that be enough? Thanks in advance! Edit: Pic didn't get attached.
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