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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
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  1. My fiance is Thai, so perhaps we need to go ahead and get her birth certificate and have it translated in advance so we have it just in case and do not waste time. Thoughts?
  2. Good evening all, Yui and I met in 2017 before I transited to South Asia for work. We met at a christmas party and became friends though we lost contact until 2021 when my ex wife and I reconnected with old friends. I was divorced in Oct, Nov 2022 and after that Yui and I casually dated and became serious after my divorce out of respect for my ex wife family who I still hold in regard. She lived with me on most days after that in my home and we traveled together and eventually lived together full time in her apartment until May 27 2024. So we have many years of history. I am now filing K1 and have tons of pictures, chat photos, visa stamps, pictures of her house book and her previous addresses and work history. The only thing I am worried about is Thailand, like most places, if she is a sales and guest services person who makes her money bringing people into restaurants and bar or pool hall locations to get tourists to enjoy without having a contract, is this a problem? I would think not, as this is common for women who are living in the city who are from outside of town, like from Isaan and Korat and Supan or other places. She has no criminal record, never been married. I have all my divorce decrees from previous marriages, I am gainfully employed and have copies of my record of employment, visa stamps and my work permit which will establish why I was there and prove that I was in a normal relationship with her. I have a lawyer locally in Bangkok who could help us navigate any sticky points, but I am essentially following the guide for K1 here and will have nearly a 50 page document with tons of evidence of the fact that we are truly a couple now and seeking marriage in the USA. Just curious if there are others who have married other ...I hate to say this, women who work the bar circuit for short term contracts, as she speaks english and a bit of Japanese and is very suitable in this role as a guest services agent. She is not a working girl, never has been but I am worried about any stigma, as she has not worked for a proper company, like we do in the states, and she has been doing her best to make ends meet while taking care of her family. she actually owns a home in Korat and I have her Blue book for that as well which should demonstrate competency and history. Just looking for advice here. I think we are good to go and are very well documented, but if there is a snag that I need to be aware of before I submit the application, please let me know. Thank you all and good luck in your Visa Journey. BTW, I immigrated my ex wife from Philippines in a similar fashion, but at the time we only had a few weeks over a few months together and she had little work history as well. We were approved with no problem, were married and she became a citizen. After 8.5 years when I needed to go to Asia to build my international business resume (CV) she "set me free" and filed a no contest divorce and I left the country. Have all the proof Is it worth adding that to the narrative or keep it simple? We are honest people just trying to find love and support like many of you. the process seems much more complex now but I am confident we will be successful. Some of the places she worked have now closed, which again is common, especially considering Covid 19 destroyed many businesses and frankly Bangkok is still recovering. Thoughts?? I plan to file everything next week. My divorce from Thailand as well as our intention to meet letter from her which is signed is on its way with passport photos, etc. I think we are good to go...
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