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About apnzz

  • Birthday 11/28/2000

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  • Interests
    Video games, painting, reading and collect enamel pins.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    We met over xbox in 2020 and fell in love! Now we are in the middle of the k1 visa process so we can gap the distance & start our family!

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  1. Thank you! Will do an inquiry next week and see if they have the number
  2. Hi all, just wondering about recent experiences with how long it takes to get case number from NVC? NVC confirmed they have received my case and its awaiting data entry, how long would it take as a general guess/estimate to get my case number? Thanks
  3. I'm in the UK, so I woke up for work and checked my emails at 8am (1hr 23min ago), and I had an email time stamped at 4:28am from NVC stating my case has been received and awaiting data entry. It was an email in response to an inquiry I submitted on Sunday October 13th. (I sent an inquiry using PI form, beneficiary email address) I inquired the week after it was sent to dos. Thank you
  4. I believe that the actual interview will be in English - BUT, they allow translators if required. This is a paragraph copied from the travel state gov web, also, below this paragraph was a sort of section outlining the processes for applying for a translator. Best advice would be to search your specific US embassy website for your country and locate if and what the process is for having a translator.
  5. Unfortunately there will always be people who think that way. It's extremely narrow minded and completely unwarranted, but Unfortunately that is just how some people are. If they have expressed that's how they view the situation, I can't exactly say it'll magically get fixed, because realistically people who have those mindsets are extremely set in their ways, stubborn and are not open to anyone changing their minds. It does suck, but at the end of the day if they do not choose to support you in your relationship; regardless of where your fiancé is originally from, then there is a huge chance that they never will. Hopefully in time perhaps they will change their perspective from exposure and education, but there is a very real possibility that this won't happen. And then you have to accept the fact this could alter the friendship/ relationship you have with that family member or friend. All that matters is you are both happy in your relationship. You can't control what opinions other people have. Even if they're extremely offensive and rude and hurtful to you.
  6. Perhaps this could be a country specific thing "specialist from the hospital". Many countries allow the proof of being mentally fit and mental health reports to come from licensed professionals, in many cases the doctor is professional who treated the patient, especially in situations where the patient has completed the treatment etc etc. Some countries just require it to be from a licensed doctor in general. Either way - so sorry you have had such a long and draining journey. I hope you guys get some good news and some faster progress from this point onward. I know it's probably silly to hear, but the challenges you face will make you guys stronger!
  7. Sorry to hear you went through that. Unfortunately it is a well known thing that any type of mental health illness or history will be inevitably addressed because many countries medical exams require a patient history and people should approach that accordingly. ( a quick google search of k1 mental health history or even searching the forum here shows many results.) Many processes from individual countries will outline the specific requirements; specific medical history, even letters from psychiatrists or psychologists. A lot of them want you to prove you are no longer a harm to others or yourself (with certain circumstances of specific mental illnesses.) It does state that in many places https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/the-immigrant-visa-process/step-10-prepare-for-the-interview/medical-examination-faqs.html & there have been a lot of posts on here about histories of mental illness and how that can affect the k1. But it is very unfortunate and sad that getting the appropriate documents etc can take such a long time. Sorry to hear how difficult your journey has been so far. Hope you guys get some progress soon. Just hold onto the fact it'll be worth it in the end.
  8. Thank you all for the responses! Think I'll be booking it 7 days apart (if I can) just hoping I can figure it all out, I return to the UK November 30th, want my visa before Christmas so praying for a little Christmas miracle lol & just wanted to check with people, visa medicals themselves have said 5 days to multiple people now, so I am sure it'll be alright to do 7 days or so. Appreciate yall!
  9. Yeah, they tick 221g and then tick the awaiting medical option.
  10. Ours was 1 page haha. Just extremely brief and to the point - we met online via a video gaming group chat then the first time actually hanging out was on a video game, then progression from there. I just felt the need to explain that as I felt like it could be perceived as a weird/uncommon way of meeting haha. Even that felt like a bit much to me, personally. And we've known each other since around 2017 and been in a relationship since late 2019, so length of relationship has no difference in the length of the relationship "timeline". Just keep it short snappy and brief. This was for the initial i-129f packet, I'll probably bring a copy of it to the interview but I highly doubt they'll even care or ask for it. These people process so many cases per day, they don't want to be buried in unnecessary stuff, realistically I doubt they would even read the entire thing if it was longer than a few pages.
  11. Anyone have experience with leaving 5 days between the medical and interview for London K1s? Visa Medicals is currently saying 5 days is enough time between both and I want to know if this is okay. I know everyone has always said 10 days but if they're saying that 5 is enough, is it? TiA
  12. Why can't he come and visit you instead? Unless you have tried a tourist visa and been denied, that is a viable option. Ties to home country are the most important thing with tourist visa applications. So unless he had no ties, there's no way to know he'd be denied. Also not sure how having kids would stop you from visiting a different country on a vacation to meet the foreigner. These are questions USCIS will consider in deciding the waiver outcome and these reasons alone won't suffice for a waiver for the k1.
  13. That sounds like such a lovely plan! I have a trip to see my fiance on saturday!! so so excited!! our plan is, that my visit will be until just after thanksgiving, and then come back for interview. I'm currently waiting for my NVC case number so probably before thanksgiving I'll potentially have my case in transit or ready haha. praying I'll have everything figured out and get my visa before christmas but we will wait and see lol!
  14. Of course! Hopefully you get an update soon! The most recent cases I saw that were "sent to the department of state" on Oct 11, were cases approved on Aug 28.
  15. The 60 days they refer to is 60 days from the point of which your case status updates from "case was sent to the Department of State". Because USCIS hasn't sent it yet. This is because USCIS is currently stating that it can take "up to 90 days for an approved i-129f case to be sent to the Department of State"; whereas the actual i-797 states 30 days; this isn't always accurate. (you can call or use the EMMA chat to contact USCIS and ask what the current times are and to see whether they have changed) So unless your case status has updated as "case was sent to the department of state" NVC won't have it and there isn't really much point in submitting inquiries to them because the case is still with USCIS. On average the wait from noa2 approval to "case was sent to the department of state" is around 6-8 weeks currently. & until that case status update, the case remains in USCIS possession. NVC can't do anything. For me: Case Approved; 23rd August Case was sent to the Department of State: 07th October 2024. (Took 6 weeks and 3 days)
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