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About Marguis

  • Birthday 05/09/1978

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    The chances for me to find out about eHarmony were small because in my country of Colombia, you never hear or receive the advertisement that eHarmony has in the US. I knew about eHarmony because one of my co-workers quit the job after meeting the love of her life through eHarmony. So I said to myself that that I would give it a chance and maybe I would be able to find my perfect love too. I subscribed for one month and nothing
    extraordinary happened, so I decided not to continue. After I left the
    system the team at eHarmony kept on sending me messages inviting me to give
    it another try. After several months I decided to do it again. This time I
    subscribed for three months and one month later I was thinking that I was
    losing faith once again... but then something extraordinary happened! It was
    the 4th of November of 2006 when eHarmony matched us. I looked at Steve's
    profile and I found him very interesting but he really captivated me with
    his way to make the first round of questions very personal. We followed the
    process and the interest only grew. I found myself thinking a lot about this
    wonderful man who lived in a completely different country and so compatible
    with me at so many levels. The communication was really intense and I was
    sure that "the magic" and "the sparkles" I always dreamed of were there, I
    truly felt I was falling in love with Steve. He was always on my mind, so it
    was difficult to concentrate at work. I was constantly checking my eHarmony
    account willing to find a new message from Steve. I was so involved in the
    process and I was so excited. It was hard to believe that it was really

    Suddenly one day, it was not even a month after we started communicating,
    when Steve proposed a trip to Colombia to meet me. I was freaking out and
    nervous about the idea but we finally decided that we were ready for the
    next step after covering so much ground with the help of eHarmony. By now, I
    am so glad that he proposed the next step of meeting in person. It was SO
    exciting and SO intense. We had so much fun meeting each other, meeting my
    family, friends and visiting all the places in my country that I was
    familiar with and were so new for Steve. We were so happily amazed about how
    similar we were and how well we got along. Every day was a new discovery of
    each other. For each of us it was like a dream come true.

    It was so hard to say goodbye after our first meeting but we had to face the
    reality that we were living in different countries. So after Steve's
    departure we worked hard during the next 6 months to obtain my visa to
    travel to the US. During these months we continued to discover more things
    about one another. The discoveries made us feel that we definitely were made
    for each other.

    I arrived to US on October 20th of 2007 after a lot of difficulties and
    again we got along so well and had so much fun. Meeting Steve's parents and
    family and visiting a lot of nice places in the US. We got married the 29th
    of December 2007 and it was a simple but perfect ceremony, very romantic as
    I always desired, completed with a surprise proposal at the ocean.

    Every time we think about eHarmony we feel very lucky. Until November 4th,
    2006 we existed in two different places on the planet unaware of one
    another. We look back now in total amazement at this so very rare
    opportunity that brought us together. For me it's a blessing, if it wasn't
    because of Eharmony I wouldn't have met Steve, the love of my life, my
    loving husband, my dream come true.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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