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karla n cameron

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    New York

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  • Our Story
    We met on the internet. I did not have any plans to visit the USA, I didn't even have a visa to do so. It was so weird to have feelings for someone I didn't know in person, that was late 06.
    We spent hours and hours on line exchanging pictures...I love his smile, love his poems, his songs, , I was addicted to his every morning messages, my parents called me crazy very often, they said that our kind of love wouldnt last the distance. We spent more than year sharing our love over the internet . The phone was not fun at all, my cell phone company had a few issues, we never could have a nice conversation with out static, breakings, etc,etc, he became very used to the fact that phone cards were cheaper than a home phone to reach me...
    I wanted to see him in person so bad, I kept daydreaming about a guy I've never met in my life, so I did think I was crazy for a while....we started talking about meeting. I was so nervous, I kept thinking ...what about if we see each other and dont feel the connection anymore? what about if he doesnt like me? Oh I was a nervous wreck.
    By Spring 08 we have talked about him visiting me in Mexico, he had so many issues to get his passport that I was afraid to apply for a visa to go and see him, I mean, he's an American citizen and was having all this trouble just to get his passport
    that I felt I have no hope for a visa, then money issues were in the way, so we felt like nothing was working for us, we were mad, sad, frustrated, all the emotions you can think of when you are away from your loved one.
    I finally got promoted at my job and our relationship was stronger than ever, so I decided it was time to beat all the obstacles... with the bonus I got I was able to start my
    visa paperwork. I started working on all the things the USA Consulate needs to issue a tourist visa in Mexico. I didnt tell him I was doing this 'cause I wanted to surprise him and besides I didnt want to crushed any hopes...
    I had my interview at the Nuevo Laredo USA Consulate on April 30, 08 and after 30 minutes I walked out with a slip stating that my tourist visa was approved. I was so happy, I cried, laughed and jumped of joy all the way to my car...
    The visa arrived in two weeks, he couldnt believe when I told him "baby I got my visa I can go and see you now" he was spechless..
    I came to the USA on May 29, 08 I had no problems with customs and I was granted a 6 month stay.
    When I finally got to see him I hugged him so hard that almost crushed his ribs, we cried for a while and didnt sleep we just wanted to talk and talk...we couldnt believe it. Face to face..It was great!

    We got married on Aug, 08, 08 and it was amazing, very small but just the way we wanted it.
    Now we have to start another journey and Im quite nervous cause I dont know where to start....

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