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  • Gender
  • City
    San Diego, CA

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story

    Robby and I were classmates from Kindergarten until 3rd grade when I used to live in the Philippines. We were already crazy for each other then haha..I left the philippines to move to the US and we lost contact of each other. In December 2005, while i was in the Philippines, our paths crossed once more. We saw one another at the town center. Call it shock, amazement, shyness or even confused, we never said a word to each other. We both regretted that day. Late 2006, when i was back here in the US, we saw each other on Friendster. We talked about that December night, when we saw each other.. We kept in touch and became good friends again. Dec 2006, my then-current-boyfriend and i broke up. We were doing a long distance relationship and he cheated on me. January 2007 came and Robby confessed his true feelings for me. I told him I didn't want to do a long distance relationship again. He respected it and said he'll wait for me. Long story short, I fell for him unexpectedly. We didn't really have a "date" to when we officially became bf/gf so we just picked one. hehe. March 26, 2007. He said that was when i first told him I loved him too. I don't remember, but he swears he does hehe. I finished nursing school June of that same year. In July i came to the philippines to see him. i was there for 5 weeks and we couldn't get enough of each other. All good things must come to an end :( So on August 10th 2007 I came back to the US. As much as i wanted to stay, i had no choice :( We kept in touch of course and as the weeks and months grew our love for each other blossomed even more.

    check out the "About Me" link to read the rest of OUR STORY<3


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