My fiancee - soon to be wife - is named Tok. we originally met on the internet. i was looking for "native" people to befriend and visit in thailand, cambodia and vietnam. she was one of several people i was messaging with in thailand. it worked out that i could meet her and goto her village when i was going to be in thailand. our online conversations were friendly but not romantic. but, when i met her and spent some time with her, i realized i really liked this women. after our short vist to her village, she went back to work in chantiburi, and i traveled on. but i wanted to see her again, so i called her. she took time off from her teaching job and we went to chantiburi, bangkok, and phuket. thus began the romance. i've been back to see her twice, 6 months, and 5 months time. i formally asked her to marry me on Songkhran day 2006. we've built a new room for ourselves next to her existing house, and we have a whole life in front of us.