One boy and a girl met and lived in the same neighborhood. They have noticed that there is something that keeps them looking forward to see each other every day since they were 11yrs old.
Amer said to Ola I love "yes in English" at the time he was 11yrs and at the time Ola, was also 11yrs old.
Lived and loved each other for many years no one ever could have separated them from their destiny to be a husband and wife.
Many tried to interfere, but no one ever ever ever succeeded. Not even move the emotions inside to the wrong direction.
From childhood to teenage, love was always the dominator of their everyday life. but Unfortunately life wasn't that easy and fun. But who cares. Love's always been there. Touchy, sensitive she agreed for him to leave the country to go and continue his education in the USA, the land of opportunities. Painful and hard, long was the journey. Amer never gave up, faithful and loyal Amer and Ola stayed together. On the phone they kept the connection Thousands of hours were spent between Oct 2000 to this point in 2007 talking on the phone the survived.
He showed up in Jan of 2003 to make the first real step for engagement. Unbelievable attendance, Ola has managed to show. They couldn't believe they would see each other ever again, even with many hours of phone usage. A breath taking moments. Amer spent three months arranging for engagement and actually got engaged one day after the the unfair war on Iraq. After all the darkness in deceleration of the war; they decided to make everybody better off by making a small celebration for friends and family. G. W. Bush couldn't hold us back.
Finally they are engaged, but as it was hard for them to be apart, it was also hard for them to meet even after they got engaged. Well, don't ask me why, ask anybody else from Jordan, that is the "rule". But listen don't get me wrong I respect that!!!!!
Couple of days later Amer had to traveled back to the states, leaving his soul in Jordan. Three months of unpredictable happiness was achieved and spent with Ola. How could he forget it? He couldn't survive, YES. He had to go back and see her in 2004 under severe pressure. He couldn't handle the pain of being apart and not being able to see Ola enough, since he had to travel back to the States just couple of days of their engagement.
In 2004, he arrived again and when he got there, Jordan, he was touched with the same unforgettable beautiful feeling. He saw Ola once more, the amazing thing is that she holds so much beauty he couldn't believe how lucky he is, she is getting smarter much more "Beautifuler" and more sensations was pour on to her.
Amazing dream, no it was not a dream it was heaven on earth. This time they succeeded and managed to meet much more often in fact they didn't leave each other but for the time to sleep, and little the slept.
From 21 Dec. to 14 of Feb of 2004 Amer and Ola held hands fearing the day that is coming. The same dark day that showed up over and over and over again. She said bye, he said bye at the Airport never wanted to detach.
Some how he had the courage to leave her waiving and sobbing. His heart was in the last stages of life almost dead. Death was not a solution for that moment, he turned around and said the same word he said the first time (I LOVE YOU) but in Arabic this time.
More into the story than what it looks like. He actually lost his job and almost drop of school because of extreme situations that happened to him back in Jordan before leaving it. From sickness to a car accidents to 3 times plane delays, yes all that happened to him and her before leaving Jordan. Thus he lost his job and couldn't continue his school for lack of finances.
Never mind, as said before, nobody will ever ever stand in between them, absolutely nothing.
Amer and Ola kept doing the same thing over and over and over again. talking on the phone and setting many dates for marriage. Ola graduated form University, Amer still in School. Life is getting tougher and separation started to control emotions; this is unacceptable.
Years passed by from 2004 to 2007, then he and she decided and the destiny approached that they will get every thing done this year, if God permits, the year of 2007 will be the last year they will ever get separated again.
Amer turned back and succeeded to fix everything after 2004 Jordan's visit and the lose of School and Jobs, thanks to The Merciful. Got back to a better financial standing and decided to go ahead and make the next step towards his Dream Girl. On 20 March of 2007, Amer met Ola again. This time was the best time ever ever ever, unbelievable Girl she is. Cannot describe the feelings.
This time he will not stay long in Jordan fearing the past experience, he will only get married (legally) and prepare the Immigration status of his Girl.
Spent "ONE" week or "7 DAYS" in Jordan this time, didn't wast time sleeping at all. 7 days he didn't sleep, knowing that every minute he spend with Ola is as precious as Diamonds.
Got all the legal paperwork ready From Jordan, now Amer and Ola are (Legally and Religiously) married.