Aug.2002 Go to the US to study
Oct. 2002 start Dating Ariel (fellow student)
Aug.2003 Go back to France (end of university year) to pursue my studies in France/Ariel stays studying in the US
Sept 2003 Ariel went to France for 2 Weeks
Christmas Break go to the US
March 2004 Ariel went to France for spring break
Nov 2004-end of my internship- I go to the US
Jan 2005 start my 1st job in France
Feb 2005 Ariel passed the NYC bar!!!
April 2005- my 1st paid holidays -Ariel's 1st Lawyer job- go back to the US! Ariel asked me to marry him!!!!!
Summer 2005- my second paid holidays...go back to the US
14 Nov. 2005 WE GOT MARRIED!!!but need to go back to France :;;;((((
Jan.2006 Trip together to SFO
April 2006-go to the us
Summer 2006 Ariel's first holidays- We go to DR!!
March 07: Ariel became an US citizen
March 08: I became a US resident