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  • State
    North Carolina

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Charlotte NC
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  • Our Story
    She's American, he's Australian. Dating since 4/28/2014. Engaged since 1/1/2015!

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  1. I’m a US citizen married to an Australian citizen, living in the US. He originally came here on K1, and we’re now waiting for his 10 year green card. However, we are now expecting our first baby & are looking towards the future. We’d like to go back to Australia by the time our bub is school-aged, because we feel Australian education is superior to what our child could obtain here in the US. What does the process look like in reverse? I am getting the impression that he may need to move back ahead of me to re-establish home & income there, which is obviously not ideal with a child. Is there any way for me to come with him? I do realize that leaving the US will mean abandoning his future green card, but we are pretty set on this being the eventual path we want to take… just not sure how far in advance we need to plan to start the process. Thanks for any info you can share!
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