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About Aboyum

  • Birthday 05/13/1994

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My husband entered the United States illegally when he was only 15 years old. Knowing that he needed to go home and fix things in order to have a future here he left on his 18th birthday. He ended up leaving on voluntary departure and I have been to Mexico 4 times within the last year just to visit him because it's horrible being apart like this. We were married in Mexico the first time I went to visit him and then after I arrived home I began working with a lawyer to see what our options were. I had no idea before getting married that my husband would even be able to come back to the United States (at least not without a lot a lot of work and a huge waiver) But we were married anyways and I was ready to move to Mexico if that was our only chance at being together. All I knew before talking to a lawyer was that I couldn't lose this man, he's my everything and he always tells me that he would do anything to be with me as well so getting married was the easiest choice I ever made & it's the choice that I am the most proud of.

    I talked to a lot of different lawyers who all had different answers before I found an amazing lawyer who checked everything out before she gave me any proof / answers. After talking to her she said that myself and my husband are seriously lucky and very unique in our circumstances. I feel like we are extremely blessed that he left when he did and that we are not having to wait years to be together and I am not having to move to Mexico and start my life over because after all, I need to finish college here.

    I learned that we wouldn't be needing a waiver because Juan, my husband didn't accumulate any unlawful time in the United States being that he was under 18 years of age. He wouldn't be under deportation or a time bar so this was relatively going to be a lot easier than I thought. What a weight off of our shoulders that was!

    So, here we are many months later patiently waiting for the NOA2 of his i130 and then hopefully with the grace of God we will have this visa finished before the end of January of 2014 so I won't have to put off schooling in order to go down and help my husband go through the interview process and coming home (fingers crossed) With the waiting periods for i130s now a days it's hard to stay optimistic but we are both doing what we can. No matter what this will all be over soon and we won't have to be depressed and waiting to start our lives together. We are both really young and have our whole lives ahead of us to spend together, I'm just hoping that Juan's visa will be approved sooner than later.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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