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Nabil £ Leshea

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    to have my husband come home to us in the usa to spend the rest of our lives together.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Lewisville TX Lockbox
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  • Our Story
    We were friends from another friend of ours that none of us are friends with now. We talked everyday mostly on facebook, and we notice we had the same likes and dislikes. We became very close as friends when he defended me against our ex-friend whom was placing alot of negative rumors about me. And when he chose me over his other friends, that really impressed me. Our conversations after that became more deeper, and longer. To morning, afternoon, then evenings, to sometimes late at night. Two years had went by and our relationship became more than friends, we posted to the public that we were together, for my side of the world it was heaven, his side not so much. But to him it was just white noise, he lost some close friends, but rather to him he did not need them. Six months further in our two my feelings were deeper than I had ever felt for another man, in my life, and I wanted to know where his was. So one night i asked him would he video chat with me, and see each other for whom we really are, and we skype, and facetalk even more after that first live chat. And I fell in love with him from there, his voice was so romantic, and sexy, his face, eyes, was sight of beauty, handsome, and when he smile it would warm any cold heart. He was breath taking. I ask him two differnt time in those many weeks if we could move even deeper to long term, and he would change the subject, or not say anything. And i did not figure out til after we were married that algerian, will not ask unless they know themselves that they are ready, and they feel the other person is really ready. And they ask not the female. I was so silent, because he laughed because he knew I did not know. But he asked me the next night we talked and of course right away I said yes! lol We planned on seeing each other, and I set my trip to come to him in Tunisia, Tunis. And I was nervous because I was hoping it was not all a trick, or a dream. But it was more than I had ever could have dreamed. When I came from the luggage area, I looked around and I saw him, and he was all I could focus on, he was tall, stocked, handsome, and when he smile to see me, my whole body was warmed from head to toe, and I almost fainted. lol I gave him a hugged and kiss, and he took my luggage, and it was the most romantic, enjoyable, passionate, time I could have ever feel from another. I never knew this is really what love was. I could not stop laughing, smiling, and telling him thank you. Which he would say why you don't have to thank me, I have been looking for you all my life. And he would kiss me on my forehead, which is a highest jester, almost honorable. five days after so much beauty in Tunis, we were married.

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